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Ch 61 ending notes wtf do you mean by that meme with the little black kid why can’t y’all just chill with the diet racism

jigglytit created a topic of Full volume

Beom got a wild side they perfect for each other

jigglytit created a topic of Rivalry

My lil autistic heart just swelled 3 times its size this manhwa is so good i love Dojae sm ;7;

jigglytit created a topic of Omega Complex

Anyone know if the creator has social media? Sometimes they post what the babies look like after the series is over (=・ω・=)

Lmao him getting dumped twice in a chapter is hilarious

In-Seob reminds me of a poor helpless little squirrel….looks like he’s about to get some nuts…

jigglytit created a topic of Robber x lover

I love this series so much the characters are all so loveable and hilarious this writer really knows their stuff!

Tatsuo is so hot ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

jigglytit created a topic of Waterside Night

The wrong labeled chapters horrible translation lmao

jigglytit asked a question

I like this genre now I want to read more stories like “hands off my sub”

jigglytit created a topic of Yours to Claim

No relationship for nobody everyone go to therapy. Psychiatrist for Cain tho…

jigglytit created a topic of Unromantic


jigglytit created a topic of Love Gym

Whew new translator god bless

jigglytit created a topic of Can't Think Straight
jigglytit created a topic of Define The Relationship

I hope Sir Gordon doesn’t have a tall order for Lyle

GAH! I love these stories about characters in their 30s way more relatable ヾ(☆▽☆)

As an office worker who’s 32 this hit a lot of feels for me especially since I’m not in a relationship and probably won’t have kids two things people look down on and not to mention how hard it is to climb the corporate ladder as well

jigglytit created a topic of Yours to Claim

Lmao this just keeps dragging on either forgive him or don’t but come on this needs to end