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Shh asked question about question

Me and my friend were talking about relationships and she mentioned she can't see me having a boyfriend. What am i supposed to do with this information?? Do i feel insulted, yes greatly, should i be?? Idk. can people learn not to be unconsious assholes

Shh created a topic of Monochrome Rumor
Shh created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All


Shh answered question about question
Agree, people need to learn to mind their own business
Shh created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

We all know whats happening next chapter

Shh answered question about question
Shh answered question about discuss a movie
Not a big fan of horror movies so I don't watch them much, but I really liked "Talk to me" the end had me on a cliffhanger, also cant forget about "Get out"
Shh answered question about question
Shh answered question about question
oh to be a iphone user with an aesthetic ass phone lowkey jealous
Shh created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

the person who just wanted to use the bathroom: ....

Shh answered question about character obsession
Misunderstandings that can be resolved in like a 5 min conversation ╥﹏╥ like okay drama but it just feels really unnecessary and overused
Shh created a topic of Backlight

Oh lord... i cant read this anymore. Lmk when this gets good again

Shh answered question about question
During cooking, a complex series of physical and chemical changes takes place. These vary according to the commodity and cooking method but may include changes in moisture, fat content, flavour, texture, colour and nutrient composition. (Dont ask )
Shh answered question about question
so real. like why are they just there??? Why. theyre taking up space. Who's willing to trade. Theyre nice once in awhile though
Shh asked question about question

Whats that one story that has a relatively interesting plot but the author had to go fuck it up. JINX. Hear me out, the plot stand alone is quiet unique in my opinion and I think a lot could have been done with it (except for the same old broke/rich trope) . But nah, mingwa said fuck it and wrote the same oversaturated story you can find by scrolli......

Shh answered question about question
My music taste varies so much u can catch me listening to anything. But lately matt maltese, childish gambino & any david bowie song has me in a chokehold
Shh asked a question

A manga about au traveling? as in someone going into the body of their alternative universe self and experiencing a life completely different than theirs but theyre still the same person. I think i read it in like fanfiction and novels before now i cant get it out of my head. Very specific but I'm taking the chance here