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s13ph4n13 answered question about weird dreams
Nah bc when i realized i was dreaming everyone turned to look at me and they had no face, like it was blurred out in a black color. They also tried to kill me???
s13ph4n13 like the answer
I'm not eating healthy even though I have enough money now to buy quality food. I was always telling myself that I'm eating garbage bc I'm broke
s13ph4n13 followed a list

Good plot or amazing main characters or both <3 
Note:  This is not in order. 

I also delete mangas in this list if the story went downhill or if i do not think it as one of the best after rereading.

Here's link to Part Two:

21 12,2023
s13ph4n13 answered question about question
people who have the most to say but nothing to back it up