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KareBear1015's experience ( All 1 )

I have 3; 2 on my back and 1 on my foot. The writing on my back reads: "We are but a reflection of the transience of life; fragile, fleeting, and eminent." I enjoy poetry, so I wrote the verse and it reflects that. There's more meaning behind the tattoo, but it's rather long winded. Lol. The symbol in the middle of my back is the Greek representati......   4 reply
30 04,2019

KareBear1015's answer ( All 0 )

KareBear1015's question ( All 1 )

So, I plan on getting two more tattoos in the next year, but I'm like uncertain on where I want them.
The first tattoo is going to be depicting violets around a green brooch (to show off all my love for Violet Evergarden.) I think I want this one on my thigh....I think, lol.
The second tattoo is gonna be a space/constellation theme, with the Latin phrase "per aspera ad astra."
I feel like the best spot for this one is my back, but half of my back is already covered and it doesn't really go with the cherry blossom tree that's already there. Lol.
14 08,2019

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