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Erishii created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

Im reading this at season 2 chapter 27, s2 is a wreck and the translation was awful at one point. I’m glad the one take it now has better translation and context.

From the start, Seong Eun loves (obsessively with an unhealthy way to express it) Jiwook but he is privileged and didn’t understand that it wasn’t really money that Jiwook needs but dignity. We love someone and we want to help but our actions may seem insensitive to someone that works really hard like Jiwook and has abandonement issues from his mom. Getting help sounds like pitiful and we have a pride.

Seong Eun instead of pushing out of his desperation and fear of being abandoned too should have expressed his intent with clarity instead of manipulating the situation. While in Jiwook’s case which im glad he is realizing a bit that getting help from people who cares is alright and being to say thank you is enough.

I’m prideful too i hate asking for help, being seen weak etc and my greatest fear is asking for help but getting denied of it.

Ji wook still needs to understand he doesnt need to do anything but just be glad of Seong Eun’s help he doesn’t need to repay with his affection or body if he is not ready. And Seong Eun needs to understand that it maybe alright to express his emotions but he can’t use it to manipulate Seong Eun or put him on spot. I’m glad Ji wook is starting to get expert help Seong Eun too maybe get couple therapy next but Ji wook had so many bad experience he thinks that’s all he deserve, no baby you have the choice to to be happy too.

I’m glad he said to Seung Eon that thank you is enough. I don’t agree that he masturbated infront of him cause that is another pressure Ji wook isn’t ready. Again, he needs to be considerate and express his intent clearly, both of them really and maybe we can happy ending here cause im way too invested now.

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