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Dree asked a question

Uke falls first and seme falls for Ike but doesn’t know it. He rejects the uke and regrets it..and he grovels.. and now seme is head over heels for uke..

Bonus if seme becomes jealous and possessive over the uke sometime before and after he likes ukes..

I’ve read many.. pls tell me some completed ones or good ones where the seme already groveled.. I’ve read like the third ending and many.., not planning to read yours to claim..

Dree asked a question

I want the ml to be like the one in 4 weeks lover.. like possessive but not that possessive and doesn’t want the mc to know that side of his!!

Dree asked a question

I’ve just been craving bl school life or college life manhwas.. can someone please help me find some..

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