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softboisjjr's feed

Dropped this on chapter 24. “Dating another guy but still meeting with my ex in a close/private place and can still sleep with someone despite me being inlove with another person plus still gets tempted to have physical something with my ex even when I’m dating another guy already but I was saved by an interruption so I was saved and didn’t cheat” TROPE. I don’t like it. I can handle characters who have f buddies, sleep a lot, a whore or anything but once you said that you love a person, I hope you’ll stop sleeping around. I can’t handle this kind of character even though I like the pace and the lessons that we can learn about this story.

I just can’t handle the mc’s relationship with the ex buddy like ???? hello you’re dating someone??? Even if it’s not official or even if the rs is messy, you’re still committed! Mc’s rs stress me more than my math problems.