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Renny's experience ( All 0 )

Renny's answer ( All 5 )

When I saw my first yaoi scene I was definitely shocked and skipped through the pages very quickly but then read some other yaois and started to get used to it   reply
29 01,2018
I don't really believe in God. I believe in the concept of a higher power. I'm not sure that God does exist but I wouldn't classify myself as an atheist.   reply
29 01,2018
About a year ago I thought that since Im really into anime might as well read some manga. I then saw this recommendation for Baker on the first floor on Instagram and started to read it thinking nothing of it until it got to the intense yaoi part. So here I am 1yr later reading not stop   reply
20 01,2018
My first anime was Food Wars (which is brilliant ) and after 2yrs of watching way too much anime its still one of my favourites   1 reply
20 01,2018
I'm a 16yr boy, bisexual and genderfluid from Ireland and still in school. I've been reading yaoi for around a year now because I saw a manga recommendation Instagram and before I knew it I was knee deep in this website.   3 reply
20 01,2018

Renny's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did lose a friend

gave up on having online friends, best decision ever. no more toxicity and worry about meeting their demands

23 seconds
did song lyrics stuck in head

My pussy is on fire and your dick is the extinguisher

3 hours
did lose a friend

Yeah cus i was fucking mentally unstable and therapy wasn't an option for me as my parents refused + no money

5 hours