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WhatFor May 25, 2024 12:21 am

Just keep your usual schedule. You are doing us a favor. Thank you.

WhatFor September 24, 2023 12:13 am

Obviously there are many women in Korea who have a rape, non-con, bondage, twisted, psychopath kink because so many of their webtoons have those elements. I do not condone what happened to Dan, but I'm not going to kink shame people who have that fetish, since this is fantasy. I'm hoping that Doc Dan walks out when he finds out what happened. JJ can find go back to pros for his jinx, and Dan can go work somewhere else.
It's too early in the story for that, but that is my counter-fantasy to this chapter.

    Phantom Thief September 24, 2023 1:32 am

    Just because they like seeing it in fictional men doesn't mean they want that to happen themselves in real life.

    WhatFor September 24, 2023 5:22 am
    Just because they like seeing it in fictional men doesn't mean they want that to happen themselves in real life. Phantom Thief

    No duh. As I stated, "I don't condone what happened to Dan," "I'm not going to kink same people who have that fetish since this is FANTASY." Fantasy means, pretend, in their head, not that they want it to happen in real life. I didn't say they dream about it happening to them. Sorry for the confusion, but people used to understand the difference between fantasy, and wanting something to happen in reality.

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