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Jooni like the answer
Abhor when they say these to a guy: “Be my wife” - dude, that’s a guy, wdym wife?? go marry a female then you dumb bitch. do you mean they should act motherly and be submissive and play the “girl” role? “You’re my girlfriend” - boyfriend, did you forget pronouns? like, would it kill you to say boy? “Your man-pussy” - asshole, ......

what’s with the stupid grin

Jooni add 1 photos to Ah~ my heart ♡○♡

Man I just love his eyes. Their so sleepy and doey

Bro picked up a kid and a gremlin looking mf on his adventure

Jooni add 1 photos to Sob sob

Oh dear..



The top of his feet gotta be hurting bro

Jooni add 1 photos to Huh?

Ah I understand now (no I don’t)

Jooni add 1 photos to Huh?

Suddenly he was not stabbed

Jooni followed a goer

I read wtv tf I want. I will give my honest opinion on everything I read

9 days