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I didn’t know how I kept on going with this. For those who enjoy this, good for you <3 For me it feels like edging torture with lots of b*lls*** 2012 Instagram love quotes that someone screenshot and repost on a different account. Didn’t tickle my pickle on the hot, smexy spicy time either or there’s barely any consistency in that like the rest of the story. This doesn’t get me excited in anyway shape or form. My poetic, angsty heart didn’t get satisfied with any part of this story which is filled with some compilations of poetic angsty quotes which most times doesn’t make sense and somehow it is the only thing that is consistent in this story. It almost struck gold had the characters shown any lovable side but go off on MULTIPLE AND UNNECESSARY tangents so there’s none to barely any character development but adds up to the story and, yet again, cut short with another tangent or some compilations of quotes. I felt like there’s barely any connection between any of the couples as to why they’re so in love with MC or (knowing the end game is as clear as day) why the MC would choose one over the other or why even put him (and us) go through that pain of the uncertainty of MC in the first place.

Happy that it is over. 4/10 mostly for art style and effort the author put in this.