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venti created a topic of The Tosa's Master

honestly not what i wanted the ending to be or to be so short but bc it’s from the person who made pawn’s revenge ill take it

venti created a topic of Kill the Lights

i just started reading this n finished it within the same day . i think this story was an okay read. i kinda wish we got to understand why haley had a summoning circle in his basement. did he want to willing turn into mason/anyone else, or was it to possibly get noah to love him? also i wondered why they never continued with haley’s cousin disappearing even tho mason sent out someone to look for her. kinda wish there was a second season it feels incomplete :(

venti created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I swear this manhwa is so… like ive read alot tbh and honestly this just feels so real and their romance feels so beautiful? Ive noticed that in this manhwa the author focuses on their choice of words or idk how to explain… like other mangas a couple will say ‘i like you’ the whole time and just fuck but in here we get ‘i adore him’ and just more development in character and how they think and it’s rlly nice to see. Perhaps it’s cause i never read soft stuff like this but i truly think this is a really good manhwa

venti created a topic of Backyard Guest

Wait ppl r mentioning this mangaka having a diff work of vampires anyone know the name?

venti created a topic of Shutline

after that last chapter now a hiatus… crying fr

venti created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

i swear this is the first bl that ive read in a while that’s got me all giddy n excited to see these two interact and develop hehe

venti created a topic of Jinx

was rooting for potato n heesung the moment they had their interaction. SO EXCITED <3 hope we get more content of them soon