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Ruod_$@'s experience ( All 0 )

Ruod_$@'s answer ( All 2 )

about question
For my top 3 is like heights and needles cause needles just scare me like I see a needle I start to cry also I remember this one time I got a shot on my butt (I was like idk pretty young I feel like every kid got a shot on their butt cause I did but it was for really sad reasons) and heights especially heights like we can live without high places b......   reply
27 07,2023
I remember reading (bl) and it was in a sex scene and the uke said he felt something trying to come out and he started to cry when it came out cause he thought he wet the bed so he was like "my pee is coming out" and at that moment I got a second hand embarrassment so I just quit ( I don't remember the name anymore it was years ago but I guess this......   reply
27 07,2023

Ruod_$@'s question ( All 0 )