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leeahraa_ created a topic of Sohee Stealing

but i really want to see sohee's get grounded so she stops being bitch atleast in one episode. what makes her acts very entitled tho??

so what chapter should i begin to read if i want to continue from the latest episode of the series?

leeahraa_ asked a question

kindly recommend me manhwa with great story-telling and plot building like "murderous llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation" because i have book hangover over this shit

leeahraa_ created a topic of Count Tachibana

i wonder why this haven't been checked by more people when it was this good? i've finished reading the first season of the series and should say, you guys gotta check this out asap if you have not have the chance to do so. there are plenty of plot twist and it goes beyond the generic guessing game about what could happen at the next chapter

i personally really intrigued about some characters over here that been potrayed as villain but it turned out to be different