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Hyouka Yui's feed

I feel like a bitch because I dislike theor. He's an angel but the way he's close with the emperor and his actions which causes FL to be held back in her plans to go back home annoys me. Like I know none of that is his fault but I feel so frustrated for FL. Being a mom has to be an amazing job fr, I wouldn't have the patience to handle that shit.

FL worked so hard to protect her son from her father. And the emperor had the gall to get mad at her for hiding his child when he knew he would've made her abort the baby because of the political strife. FL was fighting a lonely battle. And when they found out theor is ML's son, she was forced to become the empress, I teared up at that part.

She lived her whole life painstakingly working to become an empress and was abandoned by the man she loved A DAY after her wedding. And she had to go back to becoming the empress. I was so sad for her. I wish she could've been able to made a decision for herself at least once. She was pushed around by her dad then the emperor, please give her a break. Hate me all you want but she's being tied down by theor, she never once had freedom. She may be happy but still.