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New man is a hottie fs but my heart belongs to Albis now (/TДT)/ my sweet king come back!

Omg the sweetness is just so good IM GETTING FUCKING CAVITIES! MY FUCKING TEETH ARE ROTTING OUT OF MY HEAD GODDAAAAMN ITS SOOOO SWEET! They’re so in love and so perfect for each other. (/TДT)/

Will not even be clicking on the bot chapters. We are loyal to our translation overlords (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I LOVE UNCENSORED!!…until they start making the dicks look like…..whatever the hell those (especially chae-heons) are. I’d rather have mf lightsabers compared to those (/TДT)/

PetitePatellaFella created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Knowing that it was a nosebleed and not his ass tearing ALL HAIL THE SILVER BEAR! Obvi not 100% consensual and still rough, but considering jingi and his marbled up dong this is prob fantastic sex in comparison. And tbh might just be me but ugh both of them looked so delicious in this chapter especially our bear (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

PetitePatellaFella created a topic of Honey Bear

NOOOO GTFO! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧. LEAVE THEM ALONE

PetitePatellaFella created a topic of Dead man Switch

Never clicked so fast in my life and I truly am grateful that the person tried to translate but…I’m getting a little tired of people posting translations when they don’t fully know how to translate? Obviously I’m so happy to catch a glimpse but the chapter made absolutely zero sense ┗( T﹏T )┛ fingers crossed for some officials or for someone else to pick this up :’) I hope that this person posting these chapters doesn’t deter someone who can post better translations from doing so.

Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

maybe I just have a type for the silver haired droopy eyed boys in these things but I also just love his character. I think him and Jerry are so so cute and I HOPE TO FUCK that Jerry can change that future cause noooooo

PetitePatellaFella created a topic of Shining Summer

I know some people don’t like/don’t want the drama that’s DEF coming with the reappearance of Jihoon BUT IM SO FUCKING HERE FOR IT LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IM SO EXCITED ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

My only complaint about this is THEIR NIPPLES. LIKE HUH. WHY IS OUR BABES NIPPLES DRAWN SO LONG. sometimes they’re drawn fine and then other angles make them look craaaazy

To be frank, this story was crazy and not in a good way (for me at least). After the first chapter it was pretty easy to catch on that they wouldn’t have a happy ending. I like dipping my toe into the “unhappy/angsty/psychotic” pool from time to time and this one just missed the mark for me personally. It had a lot of potential that I was excited about! But really (in my eyes anyway) this was a dead end story. I liked the premise, I really really did. I liked the set up and also the art style. There wasn’t enough background story for me either. We got to peek into the past here and there but nothing really too deep. I know plenty of people liked it I am just not one of them, as much as I’d like to be .

There are good points tho! It does a good job at showing what a toxic relationship is like and the terrible co-dependency that is created from one. The art is fantastic. And I liked the open ending that leaves what really happened up to interpretation….but that’s about it for me lol.

I have work at 7 am it’s 12:30 bro I needa go to beeeeed (worth it)


PetitePatellaFella created a topic of Shining Summer

ugh I love this so much this makes me go FERAL. this the type of story that has me giggling n kicking my feet bro

PetitePatellaFella created a topic of Love in Orbit

God I can’t even really bring myself to call him a father so I will be referring to him as sperm donor. THAT SPERM DONOR DUMBASS CUNT BETTER DROWN OR SOMETHIN CAUSE I CANNOOOOT HES STRESSING MY BABY OUT

PetitePatellaFella created a topic of Slammer Dogs


PetitePatellaFella created a topic of On To You

Σ(っ°Д °;)っ !!!?!?!???!

HUUUUH?! Please no I was perfectly fine watching them be happy I forgot this shit had a dark premise

PetitePatellaFella created a topic of Love in Orbit

Goddamn it someone better make that grimy slimy cunt ass bitch who calls himself a father disappear fucking asap. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

PetitePatellaFella created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I shoooould have waaaaiteeedd til there were mooooore CHAAAPTERRRS UGH. Is it fucked up? Yes. Am I in love with it? YES.