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AlphaJared followed a goer

tragedy is my home…….

The possibility of BL exists in everything. An earthworm, an okra, a pair of socks...all of us. We're all a part of it. BL is everything in the universe!



02 08,2023
AlphaJared followed a goer

hi i am Ae i love to read and i am bettter than everyone. i write very in depth non opinionated reviews on the things i read. DNI if you disagree with something I've said. #ilovedragons

02 08,2023
AlphaJared followed a goer

obsessed with Kellin Quin and Oliver Sykes atm

02 08,2023
AlphaJared answered question about question
Woke Up to see So Many BETAS in these Responses, You are All Getting BLOCKED I Am Not Gay FYI.. Any Man Who Puts Work first, Devotes Time and Effort to Attaining IMPRESSIVE Physique, Are Highly Ambitious, Is an ALPHA, Their Sexual Orientation Matters Not, I Can Respect the Grindset. Do Anything Less and You are a BETA M8
AlphaJared asked question about question

My name is Jared, 24, An Alpha Male.I am 192 CM, Highly-Driven and Successful, Make 6 Figures a Year, Well-Groomed, I Hit the Gym Four Times a week, Bench 12 Reps, GREAT body, I am Very Clean and Hung like a Horse, My Sex Life is GREAT. But I See Some Ladies Settling for BETAS when they Deserve ALPHAS. Those Korean Singers, They are as Built as CR......