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Little Mun did ( All 1 )

read 1000 manga or more

Little Mun's experience ( All 0 )

Little Mun's answer ( All 3 )

If you'll have me, I wouldn't mind being friends. Just be warned , my reading list is absolutely f-ed .   6 reply
26 05,2024
Most Manga I don't truly count as a love triangle, as the saying goes " I want two boyfriends, and I want my boyfriends to be boyfriends", or any variation of genders. But the thing that urks me, is that the second ML is (IMO) always the best choice :(   2 reply
26 05,2024
Set screen time on your phone. Before you start reading make/procure a healthy snack for you to eat while you read. Go on a effing walk for your effing mental health :-). Schedule one thing outside of the house, even if that's to walk around the bookstore. We all broke in this day and age so choose according to your budget, if your budget is free l......   reply
25 10,2023

Little Mun's question ( All 1 )

about question
Real quick, because I don't know where else to post this. But I think the website has been contaminated by those ads on 18 plus sites. Who do I report that too? From what I've seen the update button when searching for manga is most frequently contaminated.
01 08,2023

People are doing

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