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daddylonglegs created a topic of Bird Cage

this is just a game of tell me every character has an STD without telling me


the author just cut like 40 chapters worth of miscommunication, misunderstandings, heartache and angst with this progress lmfaoo

daddylonglegs created a topic of Lost Motion

He's gonna get intimate with her right after doing it with his mistress, ewww. I hope he is not the final ml cause ewww

daddylonglegs created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Jaehyuk of the past: If you show me your dick, you're dead. Fight me. v( ‘.’ )v

Jaehyuk of the present: Why don't you show it to me? ( ❛ ₃ ❛ )

daddylonglegs created a topic of Lost Motion

Red head and the cheating bastard are for the streets fr

daddylonglegs answered question about first kiss
I was reading manga as per usual at the age of 11 (i used to read slice of life, shouju, etc. innocent stuff) and just randomly clicked on a haikyuu! dj without reading the tags and it was normal at first and then they started fucking and i vividly remember thinking, "What is happening? What are they doing? Is that his... thing going inside there??......
daddylonglegs created a topic of Jinx

a scum here, a scum there, scums everywhere

daddylonglegs recommended a list

A list for the picky Isekai reader! (Updated Regularly)
Nothing below a  9.4 rating, full color, Manhwa only, and compelling stories. 


My List Series based on ratings:
 10 – 9.4: this list
 9.3 – 9.1:
 9.0 and below:

daddylonglegs created a topic of 2020

reading this is doing things to me that i didn't think were possible. both of them are so goddamn gorgeous wtf

daddylonglegs followed a list

A list for the picky Isekai reader! (Updated Regularly)
Nothing below a  9.4 rating, full color, Manhwa only, and compelling stories. 


My List Series based on ratings:
 10 – 9.4: this list
 9.3 – 9.1:
 9.0 and below:

30 04,2024

the tragedy of this just being a one-shot

daddylonglegs created a topic of Jinx

I feel like a hypocrite cussing jk out for the past several months but still following the story and now... I'm really excited to see what's coming next. Only saving grace is that I'll be happy asf to see jk beg like a dog

daddylonglegs created a topic of Jinx

i know it must come as a surprise to you jk but... no one cares about your feelings

daddylonglegs created a topic of Jinx

Bro is so self centred that in his world, his problems/feelings are everyone's problems and others' problems are not worth shit. Bravo

This has gotten boring for me I must admit... unfortunately. Used to be good but I am not really liking how the romance aspect has been portrayed (no hate).

daddylonglegs followed a list
30 05,2022
daddylonglegs followed a list