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mia996 created a topic of Jinx

The next episode is very predictable. Extremely predictable. The r word is gonna happen because Jaekyung won't allow Dan to explain himself, which will ultimately lead to Dan leaving. I have no clue how the story will progress, because as one person said in the comments, it's episode 50 and the plot ain't plotting. -- my thoughts on the upcoming episodes, Jaekyung r words Dan, Dan leaves and joins the other club that offered just because he doesn't want his grandma to die, grandma dies anyway, Dan gets r worded by Junmin, won't put it past the guy, because he looks like he would definitely do it. Jaekyung finds out what happens, tries to save Dan (because he finally realized what Dan was to him) by kick Junmin's ass and than proceeds to grovel for no more than 10 episodes maybe even less, because Dan has secretly loved him for a while. Yada yada happy ending moving in together. Same plot as with bj Alex except it's boxing. Alex and Jaekyung kinda behave the same way.