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♥mex2Dboys♥'s experience ( All 0 )

♥mex2Dboys♥'s answer ( All 1 )

My older bro is married, he is not homophobic as one of his friends is gay but he asked him to not go in details when they talk about their bed stuff, so I am sure he will never look at me same way if he knows what I read. My second bro is older than me too and he already is teasing me for shipping DazaixChuuya and he find it weird that a straight ......   reply
21 07,2021

♥mex2Dboys♥'s question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did what do you regret

Discovering discord. Idk bout y'all but call me stupid and shit, I had e-sex for the first time and it was ugly. (asked 2 c pussy)

20 minutes
did what do you regret

Having friends

5 hours
did be a dumb bitch


10 hours