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LunaSkies created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung get a fucking grip just because someone tried to be genuinely kind to you doesn't mean you go and damn near hit him and ACTUALLY hit other people get your head out your fucking ass, lose that obnoxious ass attitude, and take a fucking seat.

LunaSkies created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

Nanmu's ASS bro I just wanna stick my face in it and never breathe again

LunaSkies created a topic of Please, Candy!

That twist threw me in for a loop and WHY are we sticking chupa chups in asses.

LunaSkies created a topic of Under the Green Light

Matthew I understand you're on drugs for the first time but please, please, PLEASE. Use your fucking brain

LunaSkies created a topic of Jinx

I promise if Jaekyung fucking hits Dan I'm gonna lose my fucking shit

LunaSkies created a topic of The Tosa's Master

What in the fifty shades of fucked up was this shit

LunaSkies created a topic of Jinx

I DON'T trust this I feel like Jaekyung is either gonna flip tf out over it or he's just manipulating Dan more

LunaSkies created a topic of Taming the Tiger

I straight up cried when Ahn died then I cried again when they could finally be together without a care in the world

LunaSkies created a topic of Cry Me a River
LunaSkies created a topic of Under the Green Light

You were doing so well my boy now you've gone and made it to my hate list. โ˜นโ˜นโ˜น

LunaSkies created a topic of Secondo Piatto

Crying cs I just finished it and I'm sad cs I really wanted to see how everyone, especially Heesun would react I love this so much tho

LunaSkies created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

Wonder Woman's lasso and the strength of every god couldn't remove my tongue from nanmu's ass

LunaSkies created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung doesn't drink and soju is really strong so yeah it makes sense that he'd be drunk enough to be stumbling, but also sober enough to be aware of what's happening but ig we'll have to see

LunaSkies created a topic of Under the Green Light