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no one would be around so id probably say nothing tbh
i think id be a commoner tbh. id atleast be a low rank of some sort Kxixnxkxnnxjxjxn Ok bye lol-

02 06,2021
When I saw the ml and thought " aint my type, too ugly. not reading this"

Good morning to people with chipped nail polish, people who love art but cannot create it, shitty poets, people who have a love-hate relationship with math, people with multiple failed hobbies, people who heavily criticize things they enjoy and consume, almond milk drinkers, pie enthusiasts, people who own too many tubes of chapstick, people who we......

29 05,2021
given or ten count idk. one of em was my 1st i think
I'm just gonna say as a person with multiple siblings incest makes me uncomfy and if you enjoy anything that has to do with it, stay away from me