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JJ STYLE's experience ( All 0 )

JJ STYLE's answer ( All 3 )

about penpals
add me i'm begging you i wand friends ლ(´ڡ`ლ) ID is jailan   reply
17 03,2018
about penpals
Hello there :-), I downloaded line recently and I'd like to be in the group my ID is jailan   reply
26 01,2018

JJ STYLE's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

what could he do? should have been a rockstar; but he didn't have the money for a guitar

2 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

I've been a nasty girl nasty I've been a nasty girl nasty (some song of TikTok lol)

6 hours
did virginity

havent lost it but i want to, i would just feel guilty to do it before marriage so im waiting for the right time

7 hours