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Drkn335 August 15, 2017 9:49 pm

Its my first time being in love and a proper serious relationship so i would like advice with people from experience. I've been with my bf for a bit over 2 years and we have been living together all that time. In the beginning everything was lovely dove like usual. But about 4 or 5 months ago I just kinda grew more cold. Like I dont miss him if I dont see him all day and when he texts me I rarely reply because I dont really care to and I'd rather do other things. If we don't talk much or do anything together I dont care either. I can just sit and be on my own all day. I dont kisss or hug him much and when I do it feels more like routine rather than anything else, i mean I dont feel anything when I kiss or hug him. Is this just normal and part of the whole 'losing the spark thing? Like it just becomes a comfortable companionship rather than emotions and love and excitement? We don't really have a bad relationship, we never argue and when we do talk we always laugh but we never really talk about anything important. The first year of our relationship was very rocky and he hurt me a lot so I'm not sure if this is me not loving him as much anymore because of that or if this is just normal. What do you think?

I also forgot to mention that often when he tells me he loves me I dont say it back because I dont feel like it, or because it doesn't feel right to say it since I'm not in the mood to say it, if that makes sense

    Anonymous August 15, 2017 10:05 pm

    relationship from 5 years and i have been through that .but no relationship are same maybe you dont love him anymore do you think of other guys ? do you think if he wont be there for your it wont matter to you? we do loose some spark but the thing is it came back from time to time there are times when you think its not working you might find him annoying you may ask other people for advice .so that they can show you if its good or bad to be with him.may be you will feel like ita not working anymore talk to him and notice where he is in a relation .in my case he didnt let me go no he didnt he made me stay and now i am the happiest girl and think how stupid i was to even think of leaving that guy.i am so glad now i stayed with him .but not every relationship is same .sometimes things dont work and its alright to let go if you cant live if its suffocating may be it wad the right decision to leave what ypu feel like do you wamt to stay and give a chance stay ,dont feel like it anymore talk to your guy .but advice from me is
    DO NOT TAKE ADVICE FROM STRANGER WHO DONT KNOW YOU OR YOUR GUY .RELATIONSHIP GET HARD LIKE THAT WE CANT THINK FROM OUR OWN MIND WHEN WE TAKE ADVISE IN OUR RELATIONSHIP.its like oh these guys said that i should do it may be they are right because at a time like this we are confused fellow we want someone else to choose for us which is not right .it might be hard but you need to choose for yourself.we dont know you or your guy we dont know how your personality are we dont know how your relationship is we cant judge we can only give you advice from this short summary that you have wrote .and then its will make it more confusing .i know you are eager and wants answer from others i have been there too bae .but trust me people can only talk through their experiences or some will just try to be smart and logical but relationship do not work like that you and your partner can found anwer in it. not anyone else.

    Amazingly anonymous August 15, 2017 10:05 pm

    Sounds to me like you fell out of love... A friend of mine had this happen to him. His gf asked him to say 'I love you' and he realized he couldn't say it without it being a lie. They seperated

    BUT now they are back together after a break of 6 months because the girl never stopped loving him and he realized he missed her. And now they are lovey dovey again.

    So maybe you just need to try and bring the spark back? Try to think why you fell in love with him and if you still like him for those things. It's complicated but only you can know if you love him or not. It's a matter of the heart, after all.

    Drkn335 August 15, 2017 10:14 pm

    I know that only I can know, but since I dont I just wanted to hear other people's opinions and their experiences. I won't go into the details because it's way too long but for the past two years every day I've been telling my partner everything but it doesn't work, he doesn't do anything or try, i have no faith or hope in him anymore. I know he loves me but he doesn't know how to show it I guess. And about bringing the spark back I'm not sure how because before when I would kill to have him notice me and spend time with me and talk to me, now when he does the things I always wanted him to do I dont have any reaction and honestly a lot of the time just want him to leave. I'm concerned that it's too late and the spark cant be brought back because I no longer desire for it. I dont know maybe I could try harder but I've tried so hard this past two years, the person holding the entire relationship was mine while he did nothing, so now I dont even feel like trying anymore

    Drkn335 August 15, 2017 10:15 pm

    In some rare occasions I get a feeling of happiness or wanting to kiss him or give hemma hug but it doesn't happen often

    Anonymous August 15, 2017 10:18 pm
    In some rare occasions I get a feeling of happiness or wanting to kiss him or give hemma hug but it doesn't happen often Drkn335

    can i ask how old are you,?

    Drkn335 August 15, 2017 10:20 pm
    can i ask how old are you,? @Anonymous

    Sure, I'm 22.

    Anonymous August 15, 2017 10:26 pm
    Sure, I'm 22. Drkn335

    oh hehe only a year younger .well like i told why dont you try talking to him.if you want a break take it .either it will came as shock to him he will be anxious and dont want to let you go or maybe he will move on too .and you both can have a break up if you wabt to leave,leave its okay dont suffocate in your relation its not fair for both of you .think through it do you want to be with him or not

    Drkn335 August 15, 2017 10:33 pm

    I did talk to him and be said nothing.... Like always lol. I tell him everything I wrote here and even more, and he says nothing. So I ask him, dont you have anything to say. No I dont know what to say, and then he will just turn away go back to what he was doing and it will carry on like nothing ever happened. That's how it's always been... so even with him I can't get any kind of advice or closure, i think he is too scared to see that I haven't been happy and so he doesn't acknowledge it, and that is what made me not want to try anymore because even when I do it gets nowhere. But anyway, that's off topic. I just to know if other people have felt what I do and if they think it's normal, if they are still together

    Anonymous August 15, 2017 10:40 pm
    I did talk to him and be said nothing.... Like always lol. I tell him everything I wrote here and even more, and he says nothing. So I ask him, dont you have anything to say. No I dont know what to say, and the... Drkn335

    well i am together but we put effort in the relationship ,sating nothing doesnt change anything its like he doesmt care then which is not right .he shoul or need to or let go eother he will show his true emotions or he wont care .because when it comes to break up with someons you truly love .it hits you hard like really hard .you get strngth to speak for yourself may be he will too.but if he still says nothing that either he is too coward or just dont give a fuck .and being coward have its own disadvantages

    Reality bites August 15, 2017 11:45 pm

    May I ask how do you feel abt. this person?

    Drkn335 August 16, 2017 10:24 am
    May I ask how do you feel abt. this person? @Reality bites

    Honestly not sure how to answer that question haha I dont know what to say. I'm not really sure what love means anymore so it's hard for me to say if i really love him or not because idk, but I mean I dont have any hard feelings to him and its not like j want to break up... I just think that maybe I'm falling out of love and it might happen that we break up

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