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Yipso answered question about learn japanese chinese korean
Yipso answered question about reject a love confession
im not white but this picrew is beautiful so. If i were white, id wanna look like this
Yipso answered question about make some artist friends
Here is my fav picrew creationlast one was edited.
Yipso asked question about make some artist friends

Or picrew links. Im bored and want to draw. Other artists, new and old are welcome to draw them, too.

Yipso answered question about something that makes you happy
1. UTI or infection, drink cranberry juice and getba doctor to perscribe antibacteria pills 2. Disney adults are weirdos, especially over at disney world, not the disney chanel series adults 3. Peole already do it, it's funny as fuck. As a woman with a naturally deep talking and singing voice (i am a contra alto, C3 - C#6), i fool ppl on discord......
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Yipso followed question about make a picrew

(comment and if you know what link it was please comment it too)

22 05,2021
Yipso followed question about make a picrew

22 05,2021
Yipso followed question about make a picrew some of the outfit choices reference the going svt magazine shoot and a lot of things only carats know *ahem vernon phone case* it's so cute

22 05,2021
Yipso answered question about question
Don't worry, I think this is actually quite common, but it still is a problem nonetheless. I don't want to make this about me, but I do want to mention that I feel the same way about my family (except to my grandparents). What you feel could be symptoms of ASPD, but you may not have it fully. Most of these personality things are on a spectrum, like......
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Yipso answered question about make a picrew
There is a surprise for yaoi lovers below
Yipso followed question about make a picrew

22 05,2021
Yipso answered question about let's be positive
I created deconess boobara breasts and priest richard dickinson
Yipso followed question about make a picrew If I was a Boy: I'll Marry Myself

21 05,2021