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Inene June 25, 2024 11:41 pm

Idk about you but I completely understand the OG sera, she looks like she is at her emotional limit.
Firstly it's not easy to see something you put so much effort in it and what was "destined to be yours" taken away . Secondly, the environment she grow up in doesn't look that healthy, growing up with the weight of critics, the apparence and reputation matters more than your own feelings, ect... Thirdly in this chap (19), you can see that she's tired and lifeless, the only shown emotion in her is anger which is triggered by not wanting to let others stepping on her (criticising her or mistreating her),yk trying to preserve the last dignity that you have in u . Her violence outbreaks are definitely a defense mechanism. And every action she makes to defend herself is usually turned against her, which create a spiral (like when she stands up against the OG FL, who is clearly manipulative, and no one believing her and saying that she's in the wrong when
she's clearly not just because she has a bad reputation).
Bad reputation -> Mistake/ mistreatment ->Anger (defending herself) -> violence outbreak (defense mechanism) -> bad reputation

Yeah sure it doesn't justify the violence that she showed towards innocent (like "her brother", or staff making small mistakes).

Plus imagine thinking that you can find comfort from someone and getting attached to him, and that person only care about apparence and neither your feeling or the fact that you're right. Must be an awful life NGL

Inene June 23, 2024 12:47 pm

Seems like her fiancé is no dense ;;; omg I'm so impatient fro the next chapter

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