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jaes snakes answered question about cosplay
I've come to preach for ORV we beg for an anime and we get a goddamn live action
jaes snakes answered question about question
honestly orv it's pretty mid at the start especially the art style but it's picking up now
jaes snakes answered question about video games
I don't know if we're talking about the same gacha but I used my son's scholarship and still didn't hit the jackpot but it's okay because all gamblers give up right when they're about to hit big so I'm not giving up
jaes snakes answered question about cosplay
when mofos read one chapter and then say it's shit
jaes snakes answered question about question
Nothing but paljae fits this description! underrated and 10 out of 10 art style I think it's underrated because a lot of people are put off by the "age difference" which if you even read half of the damn thing you would know it's not an age difference or grooming situation
jaes snakes answered question about question
I'm not all that experienced here, this is just my experience with wanting to do manga lmafo, so take this with a grain of salt I think you should first write your idea/the flow of the manga out before you put in manga!! Get your general plot out first then go to the next step. Write out the expressions, background, POV, and 5 senses, the littlest......
jaes snakes answered question about song lyrics stuck in head
feather from the iconic godfather of Lo-Fi Hip Hop, nujabesī¸ Driftin' away like a feather in air Lettin' my words take me away from the hurt and despair So I'm keepin' it vertical forever elevator Ridin' the escalator to the somethin' that is greater Fly like an arrow of god until I'm gone Treat you better than me because that's the heavenly k......
jaes snakes answered question about swimming
I am such a d rider for marliygabes artstyle... I actually had to do two reads of the manwha. one for the deep lore and another for the art style alone. Just read the first chapter of paljae and you will see. It's so beautiful without being overly bright or flashy
jaes snakes answered question about question
because people are bigoted and think their opinion is above all others. and honestly...i feel so bad for your dog holy shit, please just give em a better home if it's that bad, they deserve better. (like why do you even have him if you hate him so much, genuinely curious)
jaes snakes answered question about being in a wlw relationship
blud is having post nut clarity
jaes snakes answered question about question
i know im not helping b-but...just go to so much more liberating its crazy... a lot of creators are there too