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Keiseii's experience ( All 0 )

Keiseii's answer ( All 2 )

about question
That's a nightmare, but an impact full one that maybe woke you up immediately after so you remember or you had it right before you woke up in the morning, sleep paralysis on the other hand is quite literal, you experience paralysis(can't move your body) while you're asleep, you will get the signs of yourself falling into one so it starts to feel un......   reply
29 days
about question
So, I'm sure you know this guy the best, we don't know what kinda guy he is or his temperment but you're right to be wary about this situation, you guys don't know each other very well, and you have already rejected him, so I d k why he would do that, that honestly sounds messed up, I wouldn't let this go on further personally   1 reply
12 05,2024

Keiseii's question ( All 0 )

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