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mei789 says:
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list

Criteria are stories with: Femboys, effeminate men, 
 or men that show submissive or "typical feminine qualities." Guys with Soft energy will be included, this refers to Shy, blushes easily, timid, etc.

Criteria are stories with: Assertive, straightforward 
 women who take the lead in their romance or 
dominates sexually. Women that show "typical masculine qualities." 

(#1-123 SFW [Pg 1-12]) 
(#124+ NSFW [Pg 13-20])*APPROXIMATE*

Second RR List:

27 01,2023
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list

Only includes modern day romances with a little twist, ghost, vampires, werewolves, magical powers, cursed ppl..

for completed titles refer to:

24 12,2022
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list
mei789 followed a list