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Those are some shitty friends. Like... what about what he said made sense? Cause it for sure didn't. If my friend was getting to know someone and he said "i wont hurt her, at least not now", I will fr throw some hands tffff. But NO, they fucking stared at him like that man said some coherent shit and then they let her stay at that man's house while she's hella drunk... like what the actual fuck?? Give me back my fucking friend you weird as fuck

NAAAAAH I kennat believe it. She’s doing this to herself tbh, she’s willing to date trash … I mean, why? Like? that man don’t want to date you, you are pushing your feelings onto him, that’s even fucking worse. She’s kinda trash too

Cloudie☁ created a topic of Free in Dreams

Please , let her move the fuck ooooon broo, 3/4 years with no contact and she’s still waiting for her high school boyfriend?? NAAHH. I know they’re differently different but like, I can’t even see a healthy outcome if they are still depending on each other. She still doesn’t have a healthy relationship with herself. She doesn’t even know if that man is still alive. She doesn’t even know that man, that man don’t know her no more. Let her go to therapy, meet more people, get a damn hobby, DATE OTHER FUCKIN PEOPLE, and then if the world so wants, she can date siyoon again (only if he does the same) my girl is 22 and too hot to handle, she should be at the club

Cloudie☁ like the answer
I feel like it told the story it wanted to tell decently enough, the issue is just the fans really missed the point of the story. I feel like if the author presented the story better it wouldn't have been interpreted the way it was, it's also entirely predictable. People were supposed to find Sangwoo hot and charming and ultimately fed into the com......
Cloudie☁ created a topic of Obsidian Bride

Mi isla de las tentaciones AMO

Cloudie☁ created a topic of Cry, or Better Yet, Beg

Honestly , I’ll only keep on reading this because the art is made by my beloved Van Ji, the same as my fav webtoon “Mystical”, so yea the ML is a dick but I’ll close my eyes as hard as I can and pretend the bitch doesn’t exist. In my heart and mind Kyle is endgame.