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Usagi answered question about making friends
That I looked quiet and shy and the same ethnicity as her. She actually approached me first on the first day of middle school and started talking to me and my other friend, who is also the same ethnicity, in another language. I still remember that rainy day in the cafeteria when this stranger girl walked up to us and just started a conversation. He......
Usagi shared experience about question
I think I'm running into dangerous territory. Normally, my phone is somewhere else so I can't get to it at night and read manga for hours and end up sleep-deprived. But ever since I've moved my laptop to a desk in my room, I've been feeling the urge to use it to read on here and look at the questions. Currently typing this in the dark on my laptop ......
Usagi asked question about question

If it was possible to change the genes of developing embryos and fetuses still in the womb, would you accept it? In what circumstances? What harmful consequences that this kind of technology being available would cause? Is there an ethical or practical problem if it would be used for certain purposes?

Usagi asked question about question

Will you eventually drop this site and move one? If so, when?

Usagi answered question about question
Both sound great, but I think Nova reminds me of supernovas, and they're super fascinating and bright so in my opinion, it does sound a bit better.
Usagi asked question about have an unpopular opinion

Please, I would like your name, birthdate, how old you are, credit card number, location, id, browsing history, name of your pets, etc, as well. You can obviously trust me, I've known you for like 3 seconds, we're besties, remember? I'm totally not suspicious or trying to get you to spill. If you would please open the front or back door(your choice......

Usagi answered question about question
Damn they have a lot of hate comments on their message board, 5 of which are telling them to end their life and more in the replies of one of their topics. This user is a troll, based on their bio and comments. That specific comment may be in poor taste as a joke to many people(to me too), but damn, maybe the 600+ people who liked it are the proble......
Usagi answered question about question
Please click, I'm an attention whore.
Usagi answered question about question
I can read my mangas on other sites, but I will say that this community and its forum are one of a kind. I'll admit, I've become attached to you guys. We may be strangers and even if there is nsfw links and rick rolls and offensive trolls on here, this community is really fun.
Usagi shared experience about make friend from this site
Please, I would like your name, birthdate, how old you are, credit card number, location, id, browsing history, name of your pets, etc, as well. You can obviously trust me, I've known you for like 3 seconds, we're besties, remember? I'm totally not suspicious or trying to get you to spill. If you would please open the front or back door(your choice......
Usagi answered question about question
Yes, when I look into my mirror in my bedroom at night with the lights off, I see my demonic reflection. I try to avoid looking at the mirror at night because it creeps me out.
Usagi answered question about stuck my cock in a blender
When you say "please don't ban me," I feel the need to try to report you because it gives me a power rush and you're asking for it/ hj.
Usagi answered question about touched grass
Really creepy, they've apparently made 5 imitation accounts of op's account. They keep copying the username(which has been changed a couple or a few times), the bio(except changing the links to make them seem like the real account), and the profile pictures. Recently, they changed the usernames back to older usernames. They've even been copying top......
Usagi followed question about question

Yesterday I got a text from an email that sent a like to a porn game not really sure. I have a iPhone so there’s no phone number just an email at the top. I clicked the link thinking that one of my classmates sent it and was trying to mess with me. I don’t remember giving my phone number to any porn site or any site in that type of category. Wa......

19 06,2021
Usagi answered question about have an unpopular opinion
How to make a new layer: click on the bottom right part. Edit: layer limit has been reached.
Usagi asked question about have an unpopular opinion

Usagi answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Chaotic Edit: my connection keeps cutting out and I need to go to sleep soon bye too bad this was at night
Usagi answered question about have an unpopular opinion
I prefer yaoi but I think GL or yuri can be equally as good. Some shoujo ai is really good but I don't really feel comfortable reading sex scenes of two females. I do like yuri mangas with good plot though with not too much sex scenes. Well, to be fair, I skip a bunch of sex scenes for every genre but I'm more used to seeing yaoi.
Usagi shared experience about committed a crime
To my 5th grade teacher, I planned on borrowing some of your books and took them home, but forgot to bring them back to return to you. On the last day of school when I had no backpack, I forgot to bring them back. To my other elementary teacher, I am sorry for forgetting to bring back the textbook to school. I still keep it in the garage or storag......
Usagi answered question about have an unpopular opinion
I broke my knee once from falling down on concrete while my leg was at a weird angle, I got surgery because a quarter sized or more part of my knee got cracked and separated into smaller pieces, I still have a scar and a set of crutches that are in a closet in my house. My bones were probably kind of fragile and I probably didn't have enough meat t......