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Usagi asked question about question

Usagi answered question about question
The YD drama was so long that that 3-4 pages of the forums were covered in it. There aren't really that much interesting questions anymore since trolls and people who wrote about interesting stuff have lost interest in this site or are not active. There is not much drama either. But bbg if you want weird and gross stories I'll try to help with that......
Usagi answered question about question
Hit you with the broom, knock you out with something, tie you up and call the police
Usagi answered question about question
I usually watch youtube while taking a shit so I wouldn't know...but damn I understand how you be relating to something big and long in your ass lol, I sometimes think about if this is what sex feels like when I have to take a terrible shit and feel constipated
Usagi answered question about question
I don't know but I'm just recommending games I've played on my phone. Neko Atsume(cat collector): refill the food bowls, put out toys, expand your yard, then get off the app until the cats come so you can see them play and take pictures. Love Nikki: a dress up game that has an anime style, you can collect/make clothes and play through stories, comp......
Usagi answered question about singing loud
Usagi answered question about petition to remove my brother
I go on a walk outside everyday that lasts 40-50 minutes.
Usagi answered question about anyone know any nice pictures
I’ve seen this before actually.
Usagi answered question about question
Please drop their account link, I want attention too
Usagi asked question about be a dumb bitch

What do you think of gene-modifying technology? If it was possible to change the genes of developing embryos and fetuses still in the womb, would you accept it? In what circumstances? What harmful consequences that this kind of technology being available would cause? Is there an ethical or practical problem if it would be used for certain purposes?

Usagi answered question about question
Oh and some user's profile pictures are not loading for me either
Usagi asked question about question

I think this site is glitching for me, like some of the photos for comments are blank and I can't see them.

Usagi answered question about question
Hmm....I can't believe I'm answering my own question because this went unnoticed...
Usagi like the answer
Moooooobitch I’m a cow
Usagi followed a goer

don't mind me I'm still crying over tgcf 
book 4

12 07,2021
Usagi answered question about let's be positive
Oh god...a Larray reference, as for the photo, GET THE FUCK OUT
Usagi answered question about let's be positive
I literally...have no comments....
Usagi answered question about let's be positive
Meaning: if the mind is "crowded," there is "no space." Just like when you're in crowded places, there is no space between each other. This sentence can also have a deeper meaning: that if your mind is full of thoughts and worries, there is no space for inner peace. Or you can take it in a more literal sense that if your mind is crowded, your heart......
Usagi answered question about question