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Usagi like the answer
What about Osamu’s tiddies
Usagi asked question about question

I got a lot of spare time these days and want to watch anime. I'm thinking of watching jjk since it's so hyped and toilet-bound hanako-kun. Do you have any other anime to recommend?

Usagi followed question about question

Hello, I'd like to ask you for all the memes on here that were made by one of the users on mangago and are used to describe this website or a manga on here. I'll also gladly take memes that you made yourself.

13 06,2021
Usagi answered question about look for a therapist
65 answers in a month on this account. Well this is an alt because I'm bored with my main account which has like almost a 1000 answers in half a year.
Usagi answered question about making friends on mangago
Read manga, hug my stuffed animals, draw, act erratically or have a breakdown, eat, exercise.
Usagi followed question about look for a therapist

Since these forums are getting kinda “boring” in a way Anyway my mom slapped me with a slipper in the face really hard to the point that a nerve on my left eye accidentally popped and i had to go to school after she hit me so i had to go to school with a red eye. My teacher and classmates asked me abt it but i never rllg answered. (My mom got......

13 06,2021
Usagi answered question about question
So shameful, pulling this shit when you already have a wife smh
Usagi followed question about look for a therapist

Since these forums are getting kinda “boring” in a way Anyway my mom slapped me with a slipper in the face really hard to the point that a nerve on my left eye accidentally popped and i had to go to school after she hit me so i had to go to school with a red eye. My teacher and classmates asked me abt it but i never rllg answered. (My mom got......

13 06,2021
Usagi answered question about look for a therapist
I got hit and slapped several times or locked inside a walk-in fridge but I'm worried for some of you guys because of your answers-
Usagi asked question about question

#stopbeingmeantobigdicks You bitches are just jealous because y'all got micropenises and self-esteem issues. I miss the ye old days where the bigger the dicks, the more onion rings and laurels you were given to put around it. Those days were so AMAZING! I remember the days where we used to suck dicks in public and praise men for their schlongs. WE ......

Usagi answered question about explain your username
Bro haven't you been asking for help for quite a bit of your assignments on here? I think you should maybe just use google or do it on your own. A lot people here are either on their school break or stuck in school or don't want to help. Good luck tho.
Usagi answered question about question
None of y'all care about the children....understandable.
Usagi asked question about explain your username

My plants outside need watering and plucking. Your mistress is too broke to afford an expensive professional, so go do the manual labor. Don't forget your fucking contracts and how I'm holding your families hostage.

Usagi asked question about question

Sexy bitches Gimme your body My children stuck in the basement need thicc juicy food Sacrifice yourself to help starving children

Usagi answered question about making friends on mangago
the struggle is real when you're using a laptop mouse Pics from first round
Usagi answered question about question
Usagi answered question about making friends on mangago
Don't dogs lick other dogs' buttholes?
Usagi answered question about question