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Mia created a topic of I Raised Cinderella Preciously

Daniel is definitely sus. But he still helps our FL a lot. I’m really interested in their future rs and his identity. Idk why, i like that type of guy(⌒▽⌒)
For those who wants good translation, i suggest SleepyTranslation site. It’s four chapters behind but the images of all the previous chapters are really clear and the translation is also good.
And can i suggest other manga sites here? 0.0

Mia created a topic of I Raised Cinderella Preciously

You guys should consider the fact that none of them are her real daughters. She’s just a transmigrated lady from other world, suddenly having three daughters here. She’s memories of the original Mil but they still aren’t hers.
Yet, she’s doing a pretty good job on taking good care of all three of them. I understand Iris’s feeling, and i also think Mil’s explanation is reasonable. Although Mil is weirdly dead set on Ashley being THE Cinderella, she’s not giving her more attention for that reason.
Ashley had no proper brought up unlike Iris and Lily, that’s why she was given more attention so that she will be equally as mature as Iris and Lily for her age.
I think she’s treating all of them fairly and should be given the best mom award next to ‘Shuli’ :’)