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Shitass answered question about chat about anything
(pls stop replying I need some time to touch grass)
Shitass answered question about live in omegaverse universe
I´m going to have the worst life, I am going to be an ugly omega....
Shitass answered question about lmao
I need him to only love me and have this face when looking at me omfg I would love him so much mwah mwah mwah mwah
Shitass answered question about lmao
ummmm I have 2 main hairstyles a braid or just loose (my hair has a mind of it´s own and is crazy as shit but sometimes it´s neat) and I get injured a lot be it because of my cats or my dogs or just me being an idiot and clumsy lol
Shitass answered question about committed a crime
I´ll walk over to him and say hello and ask them their name or sum and then uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh try to figure out their interests or summ then if they even have an interest similar to mine i´ll fake it till I actually don´t fake it lol
Shitass answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Shitass answered question about have an unpopular opinion
GAH DAYUM I aint reading allat But pop off ig
Shitass like the answer
Shitass answered question about rolplay
yes and make the incel so miserable that he moves out without my bbg knowing :) if that is allowed.
Shitass answered question about make a picrew
Shitass want to do

770 people did   /   486 want to do

I want to but like too scared lol but then again like..idk man fuck me loool

Shitass like the answer
Sometimes I ask myself if I like the way I'm living, if I feel loved and give love to others, if I were to end it all what would happen after? I always tell myself that first: the thought is offensive to those that actually suffer when I've got It so good on my side, second: damn, dramatic much? Lmao idk I just bring down the thought by belittling ......
Shitass answered question about question
I just wanna stay at home forever cuz I broke it off with all my friends and now when I go back to school I'm just gonna be a friendless loser wondering around just trying to get through school along with also being overweight and insecure so imma get bullied lol (crying inside) stupid roblox meme
Shitass answered question about made a horrible mistake
I got murderer also yeah I kinda wanna commit arson I want to burn down a orp- lol i don't wanna offend people from what I was going to say and get reported to death (ban) Me watching the kids bang on the door after I blocked it off:
Shitass answered question about learn a new skill
Hm say I wake up at 7 PM (I usually do.) and go to sleep at 10 AM I spend like 2~4 hours playing games and I watch youtube while playing games so no time spent for that and what an 1 hour in total for eating food so about 10+ hours more depending on how long I stay awake for. Today I've been on here since 3 AM to currently 5 PM I don't even know ho......