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gay. gay. homosexual. gay.

loser kdj created a topic of Kill the Villainess

nah bc some of y’all lack sympathy... y’all blaming her when is literally not her fault that others are being punished. if you wanna blame someone then blame the crown prince or the men in general bc they suck. but helena is just another victim of the patriarchy n fucked up society where she was raised to “act dumb” in order to survive

loser kdj created a topic of Love for Sale

there are 3 type of people in the comments

- “top is kinda sus” type
- “top ain’t sus he’s just not used to affection” type
- “he’s so hawtwbnwjskskskw”

loser kdj created a topic of Love for Sale

i think my favorite thing about them is that they’re always having a conversation!! even if awkward they’re always talking and even during sex and i love that so much

loser kdj created a topic of Love for Sale

As we know, the top is always pleasuring the bottom but the bottom wants to give him pleasure too. However the bottom wants to do it because he feels guilty for the help he’s receiving ($$) and feels like he SHOULD be giving something back aka pleasure or sex. I think the top knows that and he wants a more normal relationship idk (also i’m fucking in love with the top)