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hennaoij June 21, 2024 3:38 pm

If i was Jiwoon i would think Suha is cheating on me, cuz the ring and the phone... lol

hennaoij June 15, 2024 2:43 am

Hope minhyuk is far away from this sides and dont ruin another story

hennaoij June 12, 2024 4:28 am

Doesnt matter how much hot Muhyeok is, i cant stop hating the fact that he only has tribal tattoos

    dreamedtheirlifeaway June 12, 2024 5:21 am

    That’s exactly what I said like damn, why’s it gotta be tribal

    Ayakashi Amori June 12, 2024 5:23 am

    Why not?

    Nex June 12, 2024 5:36 am
    Why not? Ayakashi Amori

    A lot of if not most cultures that have tribal tattoos view people outside of their culture as disrespectful if they get tribal tattoos since a lot of them have meanings that are important to that cultural and it’s not insinuated that Muhyeok is part of a cultural that hold those tattoos as something very important so it’s super disrespectful

    dreamedtheirlifeaway June 12, 2024 5:44 am
    Why not? Ayakashi Amori

    Culture appropriation. As the person has already explained, it doesn’t seem as tho the character has ties be it personal or through relationships to tribal culture so there should be any reason why he’s got that type of tattoo

    dreamedtheirlifeaway June 12, 2024 5:45 am
    Culture appropriation. As the person has already explained, it doesn’t seem as tho the character has ties be it personal or through relationships to tribal culture so there should be any reason why he’s got... dreamedtheirlifeaway

    *shouldn’t be any reason

    Ayakashi Amori June 12, 2024 6:11 am
    Culture appropriation. As the person has already explained, it doesn’t seem as tho the character has ties be it personal or through relationships to tribal culture so there should be any reason why he’s got... dreamedtheirlifeaway

    It's just a pattern it's not like he is a colonizers showing off to his slaves, people often tattoo various things from other cultures without knowing any better, are you from tribe and feel offended? Or are you getting offended just for sake of it?

    dreamedtheirlifeaway June 12, 2024 8:22 am
    It's just a pattern it's not like he is a colonizers showing off to his slaves, people often tattoo various things from other cultures without knowing any better, are you from tribe and feel offended? Or are yo... Ayakashi Amori

    “Just a pattern” is a phrase that clearly shows just how little you understand how ingrained certain things can be for people within cultures. That’s very devaluing to cultural practices. Just because they didn’t know any better or you don’t understand why it can be important for people within those cultures doesn’t mean that it cannot cause hurt. Otherwise, neglect for example wouldn’t be a thing. It’s still neglect even if the person didn’t mean to. Granted, neglect doesn’t apply to this, it is merely an example.

    I’m more curious as to why you’re defending culture appropriation. And yes, I myself am not from a Caucasian background so I do find it a bit offensive when people claim smth that’s a part of a culture that isn’t theirs as smth that isn’t important or doesn’t have important history and/or tradition behind it. It’s not that difficult to have done some research first and chosen smth that wasn’t so culturally aligned. Either that, or given him an actual reason behind cultural tattoos. Of course, in the end we can’t really change anything about it, we’re just expressing our disappointment which we, just like you, have the right to do.

    If you don’t understand why we’re explaining this, maybe do some research on cultural appropriation or on tribal tattoos. If you want to simply dismiss smth as “just a pattern” I can’t help you there but I’m just trying to show you my (a POC) point of view.

    hennaoij June 12, 2024 9:59 am
    Why not? Ayakashi Amori

    In addition to the issues mentioned in the other comments, I simply don't like the style, tribal tattoo makes me assimilate him with a straight man in 2010~2012, it's not a style that I think is cool, but cybertribal I like for example

    hennaoij June 12, 2024 10:03 am
    In addition to the issues mentioned in the other comments, I simply don't like the style, tribal tattoo makes me assimilate him with a straight man in 2010~2012, it's not a style that I think is cool, but cyber... hennaoij

    I think Muhyeok would go much better with dark style, blackwork, blackout, oldschool, watercolor, oriental, lettering... with skulls, knives and things like that, but since that's how the author chose it I can't do anything but imagine

    Ayakashi Amori June 12, 2024 10:49 am
    “Just a pattern” is a phrase that clearly shows just how little you understand how ingrained certain things can be for people within cultures. That’s very devaluing to cultural practices. Just because the... dreamedtheirlifeaway

    Well my point of view comes from not carrying about things that don't effect others, if someone would want to use my culture symbols because they look cool, I wouldn't mind. I think your point is valid while talking about using some else culture without respect for example, Nazis used sphastic orginaly symbol of peace for genocide, but since it's never mentioned in the series we can assume there wasn't any ill will behind choosing this pattern. I think we shouldn't be so quick to be offended on others over small things, we have much bigger word problems then taking inspiration from other cultures art/traditions/ect., I recommend donating some funds for charity organizations that helps people from whatever culture you will feel offended for instead of wasting time and energy on moral debates over fictional comics, you will feel so much better after that

    Ayakashi Amori June 12, 2024 10:51 am
    I think Muhyeok would go much better with dark style, blackwork, blackout, oldschool, watercolor, oriental, lettering... with skulls, knives and things like that, but since that's how the author chose it I can'... hennaoij

    He would look cool for sure with tattoos like that <3 but for me those also look good on him

    Nymierda June 12, 2024 10:55 am
    “Just a pattern” is a phrase that clearly shows just how little you understand how ingrained certain things can be for people within cultures. That’s very devaluing to cultural practices. Just because the... dreamedtheirlifeaway

    Not sis getting oppressed by a gay webtoon Character LOL go touch some grass

    dreamedtheirlifeaway June 13, 2024 2:18 am
    Not sis getting oppressed by a gay webtoon Character LOL go touch some grass Nymierda

    I’m just explaining my own POV as a queer person of color -shrug- just because it’s a gay webtoon doesn’t mean people can’t have serious discussions (god how boring and mindless would that be). Also, life often imitates art and vice versa so it’s not that far of a reach considering how history works but again, idk man, I’m just expressing my own opinion just like you are

    dreamedtheirlifeaway June 13, 2024 2:20 am
    Well my point of view comes from not carrying about things that don't effect others, if someone would want to use my culture symbols because they look cool, I wouldn't mind. I think your point is valid while ta... Ayakashi Amori

    Been there and done that + with volunteer work! c: you’re absolutely right that people should contribute to organizations that fight against racism, but bringing attention to certain issues people might not have knowledge about is just as important ^ ^

    Ayakashi Amori June 13, 2024 6:18 am
    Been there and done that + with volunteer work! c: you’re absolutely right that people should contribute to organizations that fight against racism, but bringing attention to certain issues people might not h... dreamedtheirlifeaway

    Good for you for volunteering and not only talk about stuff on the internet, but remember that an author of this comic is also a POC person, so I don't think your skin color is important in this discussion

    dreamedtheirlifeaway June 13, 2024 8:17 am
    Good for you for volunteering and not only talk about stuff on the internet, but remember that an author of this comic is also a POC person, so I don't think your skin color is important in this discussion Ayakashi Amori

    You…do realize that POC can be racist to other POC…right…?

    Ayakashi Amori June 13, 2024 9:50 am
    You…do realize that POC can be racist to other POC…right…? dreamedtheirlifeaway

    I just think that being POC person isn't really relevant in this discussion, if it doesn't matter that author is a POC person, why it shouldmatter that you're one? I think you're over sensitive about the matter that isn't even related to your culture

    Wheeze June 16, 2024 6:36 am
    Not sis getting oppressed by a gay webtoon Character LOL go touch some grass Nymierda

    I hate this “it’s just art” argument, art has always had serious issues and messages no matter how stupid the art is. And I would not be telling someone to touch grass since we’re reading the WEBTOON illegally off a manga site it’s ok to criticize art especially since art has racist past

    Ayakashi Amori June 16, 2024 7:54 am
    I hate this “it’s just art” argument, art has always had serious issues and messages no matter how stupid the art is. And I would not be telling someone to touch grass since we’re reading the WEBTOON il... Wheeze

    Imagine burglar coming to your home and saying wow that painting on your wall is racist now I'm justified to rob you, that's your logic here
    Also I think people nowadays says racism without even knowing the definition of the word, we truly live in a sad world

    Wheeze June 16, 2024 1:54 pm
    Imagine burglar coming to your home and saying wow that painting on your wall is racist now I'm justified to rob you, that's your logic hereAlso I think people nowadays says racism without even knowing the defi... Ayakashi Amori

    What does a burglar have to do with anything of this topic? That’s literally not my logic at all I’m so confused bc I never said anything about justifying anything! And no art history was very racist! Literally go look up how poc are resembled in earlier American art. That’s why a lot of people tend to be a little iffy on things when it comes to cultural appropriation

    Ayakashi Amori June 16, 2024 4:14 pm
    What does a burglar have to do with anything of this topic? That’s literally not my logic at all I’m so confused bc I never said anything about justifying anything! And no art history was very racist! Liter... Wheeze

    But the author is also a POC living in Asia that has no such history like Americans of European ancestors, so saying that people can't criticize your opinion, because it's illegal site, while you don't pay for someone's hard work on the website were your opinion won't even reach the author is pointless and stupid

    Wheeze June 17, 2024 6:11 am
    But the author is also a POC living in Asia that has no such history like Americans of European ancestors, so saying that people can't criticize your opinion, because it's illegal site, while you don't pay for ... Ayakashi Amori

    Oh my there’s a lot to unpack in your comment. First, poc can also be racist to other poc believe it or not, look at the portrayal of black people in anime. And I was never referring to the author specifically I was more referring to the American readers! I also never said anyone couldn’t criticize my opinion you’re the only person I’ve had a convo with. And lastly I do pay for authors if I end up liking the work on here I go and buy a physical copy myself if available! Like I have to read “sign” on here bc the physical copies are only in French T^T but it also doesn’t matter if the opinion reaches the author it’s a public comment section for people to share thoughts and that’s what this original commenter did. None of these comments praising the work are ever gonna reach the author either so by your logic they shouldn’t be commenting either. Oof sorry that was a long one (=・ω・=)

    Ayakashi Amori June 17, 2024 6:33 am
    Oh my there’s a lot to unpack in your comment. First, poc can also be racist to other poc believe it or not, look at the portrayal of black people in anime. And I was never referring to the author specificall... Wheeze

    Sorry but I feel like I'm talking to a wall, you have your wisdom I had mine and we won't come to any conclusions, so I will try one last time and thengive up, rasicm by definition is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. And the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another." Showing people of different ethnicity in anime as stupid or wulgar just because of their skin color is racism, but using patterns from other cultures, that don't have negative meaning in any way isn't racism, they don't even mention them in the manga, those are just a used pattern in this manga nothing else

hennaoij June 4, 2024 4:09 pm

Lmao what

hennaoij June 2, 2024 4:07 pm

I can't understand it at all but I think its cute lol

hennaoij June 2, 2024 4:09 pm

Another bitch uke, same shit as ever. I cant with those bullshit with the slut uke and the virgin seme as always, cry all u want to

    Melon-pan May 31, 2024 5:28 am

    Wtf what did he do

    dudewhatlmao May 31, 2024 7:33 am

    aint no way you're hating on a 16 year old boy

    murasaki_likesfluff May 31, 2024 8:15 am

    How tf is he a bitch? He's literally so wholesome?!? Tf?

    And you using bitch as a derogatory term says a lot about you. SMH.

    toteieo May 31, 2024 1:00 pm

    dawg learn to understand and comprehend a character

    Fink May 31, 2024 4:11 pm

    Pls be fr?

    chuuwrld ✧ May 31, 2024 6:24 pm

    tf he do

    armpit moe May 31, 2024 7:03 pm

    elaborate pls

    hennaoij May 31, 2024 7:16 pm
    elaborate pls armpit moe

    There's nothing to elaborate on, it's the same plot as always. Uke, who has already been fucked by the whole city, moves and falls in love with a typical virgin, it makes me sleepy.

    armpit moe May 31, 2024 8:07 pm
    There's nothing to elaborate on, it's the same plot as always. Uke, who has already been fucked by the whole city, moves and falls in love with a typical virgin, it makes me sleepy. hennaoij

    What’s wrong with sleeping with the whole city

    Melon-pan May 31, 2024 10:33 pm
    There's nothing to elaborate on, it's the same plot as always. Uke, who has already been fucked by the whole city, moves and falls in love with a typical virgin, it makes me sleepy. hennaoij

    Are you sure you replied on the right manga bc im pretty sure the uke here is a teenage boy??

    hennaoij May 31, 2024 11:51 pm
    Are you sure you replied on the right manga bc im pretty sure the uke here is a teenage boy?? Melon-pan

    Have u read 1st ch?

    hennaoij May 31, 2024 11:52 pm
    What’s wrong with sleeping with the whole city armpit moe

    Lol k

    toteieo June 1, 2024 5:30 am
    Have u read 1st ch? hennaoij

    "Have u read the 1st chapter" if sleeping with one person considers as a whole city, then ok

    armpit moe June 1, 2024 6:14 am
    Lol k hennaoij

    I’m jus asking

    hennaoij June 1, 2024 2:27 pm
    I’m jus asking armpit moe

    If you dont know im not the person who will say

    hennaoij June 1, 2024 2:29 pm
    "Have u read the 1st chapter" if sleeping with one person considers as a whole city, then ok toteieo

    One is what you think

    Fink June 1, 2024 7:10 pm
    There's nothing to elaborate on, it's the same plot as always. Uke, who has already been fucked by the whole city, moves and falls in love with a typical virgin, it makes me sleepy. hennaoij

    When tf did he do that, bro making shit up

    toilet terrorist June 2, 2024 11:26 am

    Someone who rated afterglow 5 stars has an invalid opinion

    murasaki_likesfluff June 2, 2024 11:46 am
    Someone who rated afterglow 5 stars has an invalid opinion toilet terrorist

    What's the plot of this story so I can laugh even more???

    Fink June 2, 2024 3:08 pm
    Someone who rated afterglow 5 stars has an invalid opinion toilet terrorist

    sho June 2, 2024 7:25 pm

    tf you talking about

    toilet terrorist June 2, 2024 11:46 pm
    Jail What's the plot of this story so I can laugh even more??? murasaki_likesfluff

    no idea, first chapter was straight up rape between the MLs i opped out LMAOOO

    MirrorImage June 3, 2024 4:26 am
    If you dont know im not the person who will say hennaoij

    It is just a few. He had a traumatic coming out in more ways than one and a bad first love. So he had sex friends rather than one night stands. So he knew all his partners. Also having lot of sex doesn't make you somehow "impure". Purity culture needs to stop fr. Y'all are fine with it if the seme is the slut. But not the bottom because y'all put weird heteronormtive views into it and view the bottom as the girl. Problematic in more than 1 way.

    hennaoij June 3, 2024 5:05 am
    It is just a few. He had a traumatic coming out in more ways than one and a bad first love. So he had sex friends rather than one night stands. So he knew all his partners. Also having lot of sex doesn't make ... MirrorImage

    Bitch tf are u talking about lol im gay and bottom

    hennaoij June 3, 2024 5:09 am
    no idea, first chapter was straight up rape between the MLs i opped out LMAOOO toilet terrorist

    Damn girl u didnt even read btw and why are u looking at my profile? What Afterglow has to do with the uke of this manga being a slut and the seme a cuckold virgin? Lol ....

    chuuwrld ✧ June 3, 2024 5:12 am
    Bitch tf are u talking about lol im gay and bottom hennaoij

    just means u got some biases to unlearn bsf also u gotta know calling smn a bitch?? for having sex friends is nawt normal behaviour (not to mention the others were adults, bro's a victim )

    hennaoij June 3, 2024 5:17 am
    just means u got some biases to unlearn bsf also u gotta know calling smn a bitch?? for having sex friends is nawt normal behaviour (not to mention the others were adults, bro's a victim ) chuuwrld ✧

    This purinatical way of acting kills me and the talk in a manga where the author clearly didn't want to make any social criticism regarding a minor having sex with several adults and still wanting to open his legs for any guy he sees lol clearly not her intention making him a whore right

    armpit moe June 3, 2024 6:22 am
    This purinatical way of acting kills me and the talk in a manga where the author clearly didn't want to make any social criticism regarding a minor having sex with several adults and still wanting to open his l... hennaoij

    Am i really to be sure that you’re not trolling right now? How can I make sure? You want the author to make a social critique on minors getting taken advantage of by older men, and then call them whores. You don’t want to be chastised for using misogynistic language but are you yourself not puritanical for wanting the author to explicitly tell you that sleeping with older men is wrong?. Does even the passing mention of somebody who sleeps around really this unbearable to you? It’s a small part of the story Ijbol

    hennaoij June 3, 2024 12:52 pm
    Am i really to be sure that you’re not trolling right now? How can I make sure? You want the author to make a social critique on minors getting taken advantage of by older men, and then call them whores. You ... armpit moe

    One moment you guys say he never had sex with anyone, another time say "but it was just one person", then say they were just sex friends, the someone ask me "what's wrong with the whole city fucking his ass??" and NOW come at me with this talk about him being a victim LMAO make up your guys mind, the more you all comment the more you make him look like a pathetic bitch. What's with this talk of misogyny? Is there misogyny with men now? You women are tired of calling a gay man homophobic and now you're trying to shove misogyny down a MALE character's throat?? BITCH??

    MirrorImage June 3, 2024 1:58 pm
    Bitch tf are u talking about lol im gay and bottom hennaoij

    Ok great. You're gay and a bottom. Purity culture is still messed up. Personally I would never engage in similar activities but I don't see the point in shaming it. And whilst it's weird to make teenagers into "sluts" at a young age, they do exist irl. Also don't forget, Japan's age of consent is 13 and they have a very problematic culture with adults and minors although it is publicly viewed very badly now. A couple of years ago, it wasn't that bad. I've heard many stories from my friends and a lot of them viewed it as completely normal to be active at a young age.

    armpit moe June 3, 2024 2:02 pm
    One moment you guys say he never had sex with anyone, another time say "but it was just one person", then say they were just sex friends, the someone ask me "what's wrong with the whole city fucking his ass??" ... hennaoij

    You are being misogynistic yeah doesn’t matter the gender, not sure I could rack that through that hollow brain of yours, and you a schizo or what? Why are you mentioning other people in my conversation with you?

    MirrorImage June 3, 2024 2:10 pm
    One moment you guys say he never had sex with anyone, another time say "but it was just one person", then say they were just sex friends, the someone ask me "what's wrong with the whole city fucking his ass??" ... hennaoij

    Don't think anyone said misogyny, just discrimination. And gay men can be homophobic and many closeted ones are. Gay men can and have also been very biphobic, discriminatory towards asexual people, and others in the umbrella. Being gay and a male doesn't make you a saint just because you are commenting on a bl comic section. You clearly haven't read the story. It's pure fluff. A very innocent romance between highschoolers and the fact that he had previous relationships before moving doesn't even come up in the story. Only the part of his traumatic past that eventually led him to go down the path of sleeping with people without emotions attached. He's changed. He's a highschooler. He's a kid who made a wrong decision. And slut shaming him or anyone for that matter is messed up. Purity culture is stupid. People aren't objects to be used and "dirtied". That's not how the human body works.

    toilet terrorist June 4, 2024 3:47 pm
    Ok great. You're gay and a bottom. Purity culture is still messed up. Personally I would never engage in similar activities but I don't see the point in shaming it. And whilst it's weird to make teenagers into ... MirrorImage

    Japans age of consent is 16 to be clear

    toilet terrorist June 4, 2024 3:50 pm
    Damn girl u didnt even read btw and why are u looking at my profile? What Afterglow has to do with the uke of this manga being a slut and the seme a cuckold virgin? Lol .... hennaoij

    Nothing really, just funny how you push the agenda of both rape culture and purity culture, classic.

hennaoij May 28, 2024 4:15 pm

Idk if its another bait or not, but i dont expect too much at all

hennaoij May 28, 2024 2:32 am

That is a real scene of the first time lol

hennaoij May 26, 2024 2:36 pm

I've already said it and I'll say it again, most people who don't like this story are because they're used to uke having his feet kissed by all the men who appear in the story. This work is the same as always, just with the seme in place of the uke. now we have a jealous uke who is trying to hold on to seme with tooth and nail, it's different. And as for those who don't like Shizuma in the story, I ask, why? what should he do? he even suggested changing jobs and is now firmly avoiding his boss when he realized how much it bothered Minato, Shizuma is too perfect.

    HRAensn May 26, 2024 2:40 pm

    Changing jobs is too far. Best thing is to make clear boundaries and stop involving his personal life with his work. He shouldn’t say anything about his partner to his boss he just met. Shizuma isn’t perfect, nor is Minato, they’re both human beings with quite the normal emotions and reactions.

    It’s just more intense with Minato due to his trauma. I wish they spoke about that more than just moving on.

    HRAensn May 26, 2024 2:41 pm

    And Minato isn’t even telling him to quit his job. He even refused to when Shizuma told him to ask him for time off from work. I think his abandonment issue trauma just got to him at the moment. And he thinks the boss is a woman, so he’s more jealous since Shizuma was straight before.

    hennaoij May 26, 2024 2:58 pm
    And Minato isn’t even telling him to quit his job. He even refused to when Shizuma told him to ask him for time off from work. I think his abandonment issue trauma just got to him at the moment. And he thinks... HRAensn

    If my boyfriend kept annoying me because of his senseless jealousy towards my BOSS, where I can't even see where the problem lies, I would have already broken up. If my boyfriend tried to force me to have sex out of jealousy and still hurt my hands, I would have already broken up. If my boyfriend was always so demanding and annoying about everything, but when it comes to my birthday he completely forgets, and is still cold towards me, I would have already broken up. Shizuma is perfect in my opinion, I would never have as much patience with a childish boyfriend like his. Good for Minato who found someone to put up with his paranoia.

    HRAensn May 26, 2024 3:02 pm
    If my boyfriend kept annoying me because of his senseless jealousy towards my BOSS, where I can't even see where the problem lies, I would have already broken up. If my boyfriend tried to force me to have sex o... hennaoij

    The problem is the lack of clear boundaries and involving his personal life with work. Minato is clearly aware of his own issues and called himself childish so I’m sure he’s feeling guilty about doing this.

    And the boss is definitely in the wrong for overstepping boundaries and talking shit about someone else’s partner to which Shizuma told him off, thankfully.

    I am not saying Minato isn’t wrong though. He is wrong, he is bratty and immature, and he admitted all that. He has trauma and while it isn’t an excuse to hurt another, it’s an explanation to why he’s like this. And I expected them to speak about this more but it just got cast aside

    HRAensn May 26, 2024 3:06 pm
    If my boyfriend kept annoying me because of his senseless jealousy towards my BOSS, where I can't even see where the problem lies, I would have already broken up. If my boyfriend tried to force me to have sex o... hennaoij

    And I kinda see what you’re trying to say?
    Shizuma isn’t perfect because he is human. Humans can never be perfect. Maybe for a short time, but never a lifetime. But to others he may be and that’s valid.

    I do think Minato is lucky to have a green flag boyfriend who’s patient. Unfortunately this is something others should expect when dating someone who’s mentally not right or just dealing with unresolved trauma.

    Shizuma being patient is going to help Minato.

    hennaoij May 26, 2024 3:16 pm

    I thought you knew that I said that Shizuma is perfect in a non-literal way, maybe I have to use tags to express what I'm saying because I think you have some difficulty understanding non-literal things. The real problem with the manga is the boss, and people treat it like it's Shizuma. Shizuma didn't do anything wrong, in periods of experience the right thing to do is to flatter the boss so as not to be fired in the first 3 months of work, everyone who works knows this.

    HRAensn May 26, 2024 3:21 pm
    I thought you knew that I said that Shizuma is perfect in a non-literal way, maybe I have to use tags to express what I'm saying because I think you have some difficulty understanding non-literal things. The re... hennaoij

    Or Shizuma can just not talk about his personal life when it isn’t necessary at work. Saying Shizuma didn’t do anything wrong isn’t true considering he’s let the boss overstep his boundaries.

    And I’m aware the real problem is the boss, but let’s not forget it’s also Minato’s trauma that’s causing problems. You won’t be fired for not talking about your personal life, trust.

    And if it’s about pleasing, then Shizuma wouldn’t have told the boss off.

    hennaoij May 26, 2024 3:28 pm
    Or Shizuma can just not talk about his personal life when it isn’t necessary at work. Saying Shizuma didn’t do anything wrong isn’t true considering he’s let the boss overstep his boundaries. And I’m ... HRAensn

    You know I didn't say that the whole reason Shizuma talked to her boss was because of the work itself, but honestly, it's difficult to talk to someone who has these problems with understanding and interpreting. Please be aware of this condition of yours before entering into an argument next time.

    HRAensn May 26, 2024 3:31 pm
    You know I didn't say that the whole reason Shizuma talked to her boss was because of the work itself, but honestly, it's difficult to talk to someone who has these problems with understanding and interpreting.... hennaoij

    I didn’t say you said that the whole reason Shizuma talked to his boss was because of the work itself. I was just adding to the discussion.

hennaoij May 24, 2024 2:40 pm

This author is a master of drawing hands

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