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Hibou created a topic of Kimi no Yume o Mite Iru

Believe me, I really like this kind of story but I can't agree with this one.

Amemori "version 1" has dreams of his life with Yui "timeline 1", future Yui t1 sends messages to present Yui t1 who cannot interpret them.
I already have a hard time finding this romantic but let's move on.

Amemori has a v1 and a v2. He's a good guy, fundamentally he hasn't changed but it's a v2 not because the course of his life has changed but because he no longer has his fucking vision.

Yui has a t1 which extends until his death and a t2 which begins at the 2nde beginning of their love story. The rest of his life doesn't concern us, he'll just be entitled to t1 and t2 because he knows too much and he fucking went back in time. (and by scientific means what’s more ! wtf...)

The positive part of the story :
- Amemori v2 was less influenced by Yui t2 than he was by himself in his v1. Certainly Yui t2 threw out a few anachronistic phrases and he fell under the spell but nothing compares to 20+ years of adoring a person. So why not, much more natural and healthy.

The bad parts of the story:
- Amemori's dreams : (maybe the author thought further but I doubt it) Amemori's v1 love is not romantic and cute, it's an obsession. Not toxic of course but an obsession nonetheless.

- The stupidity of the present Yui t1: I don't blame him for misinterpreting the signs (they have no meaning with current technologies), but why didn't he talk about it?
Not sure of the result... It wouldn't have changed the course of things but he should have tried. Maybe with Amemoti's dreams he would have discovered the deception or the entire plot of the book would have collapsed. Idk.

- The choice of Amemori v1: His dreams with Yui were only for 3 months.He never talked about visiting the Silk Roads with him.
So this bastard knew something was going to be wrong. That if his dreams stopped there there was a possibility that his life would follow the same path. And yet he still joined Yui.
Maybe there's nothing he can do, it's their destiny, but for me it remains incredibly, incredibly selfish.

- The implications : So yes it's a yaoi and I'm probably asking too much, but giving random grandparents the chance to go back to the past? I don't understand anything about it but it's false, absolutely false ! Too much power for a lamba person. And I don't understand how a timeline 2 can exist if you destroy the trigger (Yui's last wishes). Aren't they supposed to come back to the beginning of t1 as children?