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Langasboard answered question about question
Langasboard asked a question

When a cool person asks you what you're reading rn or what your favourite manga/manhwa/manhua is whats the one you say that you feel most comfortable saying or makes you sound cool? The only people that ever ask me are my guy cousins so I usually say chainsaw man or jjk (i mostly read josei/shoujo/BL/GL). When a girl asks I get anxious so i just say what i'm reading rn and they ALWAYS say "oh I haven't read that one yet. and it CRUSHES ME.

Langasboard answered question about your opinions
those angels that continuously update their lists and add reviews and ratings. i made some lists back when i first made a mangago account but i haven't added anything to them since so thanks to those people that keep their lists stocked up so i can find what I wanna read when I feel like reading it :)
Langasboard answered question about stuck my cock in a blender
I'm currently a corporate slave slayyy. but im doing a nail technician course on the side so that I can quit my day job bc its so shit LOL
Langasboard answered question about make a picrew
no bc is he her lover or her pet or her guardian? lmk!! (im thinking lover tho )
Langasboard answered question about make a picrew
she looks so cool and nonchalant!! (≧∀≦)
Langasboard answered question about make a picrew
me in my teen years me now how i want to look in the near future ig lol
Langasboard answered question about question
she's the kind of cool i want to be but i have resting sad face T^T
Langasboard followed a goer
05 09,2023
Langasboard like the answer
this isnt related to the quality but tell me why my coworker was complaining abt having POC in the cast like?? its canon babe what??? IT WAS REAL WEIRD SHE EXPECTING GINGER NAMI TO BE WHITE BUT USOPP WITH THE DREADS TO BE JAPANESE LIKE SAY YOU'RE RACIST AND MOVE ON GIRL