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Ban Yeo dan's a cutie's feed

please you people don't post spoilers anymore PLEASE
If you wanna see spoilers either scroll a little after me, or search for the Novel updates spoiler thread (you'll find it even if you Google it)

I'm so angry, IT'S GOOD IT SO GOOD DON'T BE SCARED OF SPOILERSSSS as long as you would like an ACTUAL villain like character YOU'LL LOVE IT but through away the manhwa and read the novel PLEASE IT'S SO GOOD I'M TELLING, DON'T EVEN STARRT THE COMIC, I've
posted the novel link just down here you can see it

You won't really regret it I have read the whole novel IT'S FRIKIN GOOD, and for those who read the comic I have written about 15+ SCENES manhwa left out

I'm begging you people don't post spoilers anymore let the readers read in peace, they will scroll because there is tons of spoilers here, PLEASE