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Loveyfan95 April 27, 2021 7:38 pm

Hi everyone, I really would like to read some yaoi mangas where the seme for example falls in love with his friend's brother or vice versa. I am already reading Love Jinx soo do you have any suggestions?

Loveyfan95 March 7, 2021 3:43 pm

Hi everyone, I am looking for a yaoi manga I read a couple of weeks ago. It was about a Knight and a prince (later king) who had a sexual relationship because the king could not keep it in his pants and the knight offered the soon-to-be king his body to prevent any misshaps. The prince (seme) after becoming king orders the knights brother to be taken hostage and marries the brotehrs fiancee, so the knight leaves the kigndom and lives a secluded life having lots of sex partners till he hears that his brother is to be executed. The knight (uke) storms to the castel to deal with the king but it coems out that it was all a play in order to keep the knight by his side... The son of the king turns out to be the queen and the brothers who are part of the secret... İt had a happy ending. Please help me find this mangai it had an amazing art sytle

Loveyfan95 February 9, 2021 12:24 am

Hi everyone, I am looking for a manga-webtoon I read about a year ago. It was about the protagonist being married to a scary duke or something like that, she had to take the place of the original bride. She was skilled in martial arts and had short orange-pinkish hair. She thought she would be killed but received love instead. I dont remember much other than I really wanna read it.

Loveyfan95 December 27, 2020 8:37 pm

Hi everyone, I am looking for a shoujo manga I read a while ago. İt was about a girl(part time model) who went to visit greece for her sisters wedding, and came to have a love hate relationship with the son of her sisters future husband. THey called each other nephew and aunt to spite each other. The protagonist had a sun allergy.

Loveyfan95 February 26, 2019 11:11 am

Hi everyone I am looking for a yaoi manga I read a couple of months ago. It was about a idol group where two members fell in love. The uke was kind of harrased by a senior actor who was interested in him, but evryhting turned out for the god, both members became boyfriends and later one the leader of the idol group fell in love with the said actor

Loveyfan95 February 17, 2019 2:57 pm

Hi everyone, I am looking for a Yaoi manga I read a couple of years ago. It was about a young beautiful boy(uke) on his journey to become a model. I remember that his president(ceo) who also looks like a model himself was teaching him in his own house. I also remember that the ceo's friend or relative also aimed for the ceo. The last thing I remember is that the Uke broke something in a shooting. I know that I could only give vague information, but if you do know the name please help :D

Loveyfan95 January 16, 2019 9:50 pm

Hi everyone, I am desperately looking for a yaoi manga I read a couple of months back. So it was about an ex-detective who, after loosing his comrade because of a drug, left his position in order to find the person behind it( someone in a hood if i remember corectly). He, while investigating about the drug, sleeps with a man who turns out to be a dedective himself and brings the protagonist to a new facility where criminals handle crimes. The prtagonist also had a photografic memory. Please help

    MARS January 16, 2019 10:59 pm

    I think it's name ( on doorstep )

Loveyfan95 October 24, 2018 6:08 pm

I am looking for a yaoı manga where both males are kind of manly or cool. Where both Positions may suit them, does anyone have a manga in mind which suits those criteria?

Loveyfan95 July 2, 2018 4:19 pm

Hi everyone, I have been looking for a shoujo manga or manhwa that I read a couple of years back. It was about a girl traveling to Greece for the wedding of her sister (not related by blood), and the son of the Groom who went to get her from the airport. They start a hate-love relationship and in the end get together. The girl had a trauma and couldn't stay long under the sun because, her biologic father left her at an amusement park and she waited in that heat till she passed out, so she mostly stayed out of the sun.

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