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A story where it starts with the girl being raped by a guy in front of this guys gang her eyes are covered so she didn't know who fcked her. She only had two clues, the guy's smell and the way the guy called her name. She will start looking for him and his group to get revenge. Turns out the guy volunteered to do "it" because he knows the girl. The guy was also the strongest in the gang and was portrayed as the guy who didn't want anything at all so when he volunteered the thing he wanted to do- the gang was all shocked? It's not shoujo for sure
2018-12-21 22:05 marked
Ok hey! XD So a while back I found a manga that was soo interesting and I can't find it again. I don't know the name.

So there's 3 brothers. At the beginning of the manga, the parents of these 3 bros have died somehow and were brought to the oldest and middle bros raping the youngest in a room. They were teasing him, and doing it because he tried to hook up with a girl, and they were all like "You think you can leave us?" After that we see the oldest raping the middle child. Ik a bit confusing. Anyway turns out the oldest bro has a weird obsession with his other 2 bros and killed their parents because he believed they were trying to take them from him, and the dad had raped the other bros. *-*

Alot to read but PLEASE help me find this. I'll be soo gratefullll. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2018-12-27 10:56 marked