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This is so beautiful. We love the drag queens.

This is for the justice warriors working day and night defending this beautiful masterpiece of a manwha in the comment section below. In fact, in the next chapter, I want the author to include you all as characters as a way of saying thank you. I would imagine it going a little like this: Jaekyung abducts the justice warriors and brings them to his little sex dungeon. Upon arrival, he forces them to wear loincloths and to take part in a mini sacrificial ceremony. There, Jaekyung takes his turn cumming inside every last one of them as a reward for their hardwork! There you go! In 9 months, all of you will have free babies fathered by Jaekyung! What could be a greater gift than that?

The baby is so ugly. Not even the two strands of hair on top of her crane can save her. If she was an earthquake, she'd score 0 on the Richter Scale. No one would even notice that she ever happened. You know how the World's Ugliest Dog contest recently got a new winner? Someone definitely rigged the contest cause the ugliest dog actually lives in a random town in Korea with a single father that refuses to breastfeed her. But yeah, I do love her! I want to have a daughter of my own one day. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Ok, mama! Flaunt that ass! Flaunt those cheeks! We see you.

If I don't find myself a hot daddy with humongous body proportions within the next two years, I am blowing up the entire planet and making it everybody's problem. Nah but for real, this is literally goals. I feel like a big daddy with rock hard nipples is the only cure to my problems right now. Who wants me? I am a five foot tall individual, ready to climb on top of you if needed. I can also finish in about ten seconds.

tryna get that academic comeback 
(im cooked)

10 10,2023

Happy birthday Jooin and Cain. I hope that this beautiful day where, a few years ago, you guys were unfortunately delivered, blesses you with all the love and joy of life. Although I may be saddened by your parents decision to not abort you as a fetus, I am glad that you guys have made it another year!

I missed my boys. Especially the long-haired hottie. There's just something about long-haired men. The way I would decapitate myself if Ethan Blackwell asked me to donate him some of my hair. It would be a no hesitation incision. I'd even pluck some of my ass hair, cause it's way too long at the moment. I hope he won't mind the smell. But he's so hottttt!! People wouldn't even notice my smell on him. Urgh, he's so sexy. I hope he rests my decapitated head on his man boobies while he extracts my hair. Imagine if he accidentally drops me and my head lands straight on his erect penis. That'd truly be a dream come true.

Yesterday, I was playing with myself but I just couldn't get myself to cum. Luckily, I own a yellow moon cactus and it really reminded me of Jake. Once I inserted that bad boy in my man pussy, I started getting contractions. I pushed the cactus deeper inside. And let me tell you, the amount of pleasure I felt at that moment was too much. I started sweating, shivering, and gasping for air. I was anally bleeding at that point, but I just couldn't stop. I kept thinking about Jake and how he would do me. I felt him licking my body all over. When I finally came, it was a big release from down there. Now, I'm wearing diapers, cause it feels like I'm menstruating.

If me and Jaekyung were casted in a typical indian drama serial, I'd be the mother-in-law and Jaekyung would be my daughter-in-law. The things I'd do to her... On god, we'd have so many arcs: Poisoning my daughter-in-law while she's pregnant, injecting tear gas in her room while she has sex with my son Dan, burning half of her body while we cook cow testicles together, pushing her down the stairs when she's breastfeeding her female child cause she didn't give me a grandson, locking her in a moving truck heading towards the open ocean. Don't worry guys, 1837484 episodes in, Jaekyung will eventually win my heart! But then I'll change my mind and send a suicide bomber her way. What else could I have done? I just really love my son pookie boy Dan.

I've seen this type of thing happen before where the uke gets smitten by the seme's eyes and ends up kissing him accidentally. In many cases, the eyes of the seme are always blue. It kind of reminds me of Hitler's regime. If the story took place in that time, the uke would certainly be oppressed due to being a gay single father with a very ugly daughter. The daughter would probably be a test subject. And the seme would probs be a Nazi solider. Such a tragic love story it would be. I'm glad the manwha takes place in the twenty first century in a random town in Korea.


I love my imaginary husbands and wives #love #notsingle #definitelyNOTlonely #notdepressed #notdilutional #iamfine 

I can read anything and everything but i love to talk shit about the bad ones tho. Dont mind me. 

I have already read 4.8k comics on this site...i am old...and i need a life fr.

Please recommend good GLs coz i hardly find any.

09 10,2023

There's so much boob and ass. They're so spherical, round and plump too. Are the women in this webtoon trying to make their own solar system? Real talk though, I get so steamy hot reading this shit. Haven't been in this state since my uncle passed away. Thank you author!

I hope this domestic cutie vibes doesn't turn into domestic abuse, cause that shit will be so boring and repetitive. If the author really wants to explore some tragic plots, she should have Shin get both of his legs amputated in a devastating sex accident where Jake accidentally gives Shin a deadly bacterial infection through sexual intercourse. I want Shin to push Jake away cause of that incident and then I want Jake to be like "you dogshit man, I love you so much, and you don't even see it?" And then they both start smacking their lips together while Jake attempts to insert his penis in the right hole and not the artificial holes created by the amputation of the legs.

When the alpha male's cock reached the uke boy's heart from the insides, I'm kinda disappointing that it didn't result in a cardiac arrest. That's kinda inaccurate :/ I would have loved to see some CPR sex. Or, some hospital sex on the hospital bed next to a 89 year-old cancer patient taking his last breath. Authors should explore more of their twisted kinky side. It'll be so much fun, c'mon....

Next chapter, I want Jaekyung to have an existential crisis where he realises that death is inevitable and he too will, one day, have the same faith as everyone around him. Then I want Jaekyung and Dan to engage in depression sex. What I really like about depression sex is that the depressed individual most likely hasn't bathed in a really long time. I can imagine it being spicy when Jaekyung enters Dan from behind. I can also imagine Dan rejoicing in pain when the thirty bacterial infections, fifty viruses, and sixty-three parasites simultaneously penetrate Dan's glory hole. I think that'll be the hottest thing ever.

I suddenly had the urge to attend Jaekyung's quinceañera. If Jaekyung was a 15 year old Latina girl, and I was her birth mother, I would whoop her ass day and night for what she has done to pookie boy Dan. Then I would gaslight her by telling her that I didn't actually abuse her, it was a form of love. Top it off with some gatekeeping: keeping her locked away somewhere far from her girlfriend pookie boy Dan.

just reading shit and talking shit 

if you’re from that jinx comment drama I will fucking end you do not come close to me

08 10,2023