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Wh-whatttt??? Please not the cliffhanger. Mikoooooooo!

Lilian created a topic of Rhapsody of Mulan

1. How's the quality?
I never used Photoshops (I wanted to but my netbook's memory is so small). Only a phone, and a netbook with "Paint".

2. How's the translation?
Google translate is my partner and sometimes used my phone' s keyboard to identify some characters. Plus my guts, indeed~.

Should I stop or continue?
If yes - "It's okay, I achieved my desire to gain experience. I hope that someone could notice my translation and choose to translate this for the better."
If no - "Okay, thank you. I found raws in other site with quality's as good as the previous chapters. I'll work on it a week after next week. (Next week will be our prelim so wish us luck and good luck as well, fellow students!)