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bboom created a topic of Homeless/No Home

and i love how this got so psychological(?) or smthing. i wish i was smart anough to give some analysis rn, theyre so fun.

bboom created a topic of Serious Joke

does anyone know any other webtoon with characters like this? theyre so honest i love them

bboom created a topic of Serious Joke
bboom created a topic of Serious Joke
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What’s empowering to women depends on the woman, if u as a straight women find stories about mlm and their sexual relationships empowering good for u ig, but like what was the liberating part for u, I’m curious
bboom like the answer
bruh I wanna be that one friend whos actually bad but then you find out they're actually good after you kill them lmao I just wanna cause trauma rq
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18 04,2021
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