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SHION ME's experience ( All 1 )

SHION ME 03 04,2016
My first yaoi was some doujinshi from youtube then i start searching for more boys love, i don't know it was called yaoi so i just type boys love on google then i found this site ヾ(☆▽☆)   2 reply
03 04,2016

SHION ME's answer ( All 0 )

SHION ME's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did lose a friend

gave up on having online friends, best decision ever. no more toxicity and worry about meeting their demands

42 minutes
did song lyrics stuck in head

My pussy is on fire and your dick is the extinguisher

4 hours
did lose a friend

Yeah cus i was fucking mentally unstable and therapy wasn't an option for me as my parents refused + no money

6 hours