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lulu's experience ( All 0 )

lulu's answer ( All 9 )

about penpals
lulu 19 05,2019
luna606   1 reply
19 05,2019
I only reveal my true self around my female otaku friends, only they will know the struggle and beauty of life as a fujoshi~ My family would disown me if they ever found out lol, so other times it's very private.   reply
15 03,2019
I'd just be the creepy bitch in the corner filming everything ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ don't @ me, I'm just here for the yaoi lol   1 reply
11 03,2019
ISTP and INTP ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I have traits from both of them so I guess I'm in between lol   1 reply
09 03,2019
My fam call me Sloth cuz I sleep a lot and I'm lazy haha. 17 year old female. I like games, anime, manga and all that, I'm a true waste to society~ Hoping to study Biomedicine at Uni next year! I've been hit by a car before, but only got a slight bruise and graze lol I'm very lucky. Discord: #6611 (=・ω・=)   reply
07 03,2019

lulu's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

"'Cause we're the masters of our own fate
We're the captains of our own souls"

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

I know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better
Know it's for the better

3 hours
did character obsession


4 hours