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Pewpewpew's feed

Pewpewpew created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

Ok genuinaly wtf yh but like genuine question did anyone cry during their whole drama thing or was it js me
Amd this is not like crying js wtv like this is pure tear jerks like tbh i dont gove 2 fkcs for the guy but the genuine ouch was when chloe said im so sorry baby and then like he was js standing out there listening and then couple chapters later she js lost the bby and then like i know most ppl cant express emotions but like couldnt he js have some decency besides saying ily to her cuz like what the hell? And then the pure joy when she js lashed out on him but at the same time it was bitter like rlly bitter. I wont lie i rlly do wish happiness for the both of them but then again i js couldnt bcuz the dude was a genuine jerk from the start. If he couldve maybe ought to act different bfr than i wouldve accepted him but no he didnt. but ofc in the end its js them together but yh not approved