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Animal Sex Prof.'s experience ( All 0 )

Animal Sex Prof.'s answer ( All 1 )

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y’all really couldn’t get a room??   reply
07 02,2021

Animal Sex Prof.'s question ( All 8 )

They leave the tip of their penis in the female as a plug that stops the sperm falling out.
13 02,2021
Most male squid don't have penises long enough to be useful. Instead, they propel sperm-containing capsules at females with one of their eight arms.

When a sperm capsule attaches to a female squid, she releases a hormone that dissolves her skin, allowing the sperm to get into her bloodstream.
08 02,2021
If a barnacle's penis isn't long enough, it can do something known as "spermcasting", in which it sends sperm out to sea for another barnacle to pick up.
07 02,2021
A male damselfly's tiny penis contains an even tinier spoon to scoop out leftover sperm from other males in the female's vagina.
07 02,2021

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